KT:The Judo/Jujitsu Phase training of Kajukenbo

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The Judo/Jujitsu Phase training of Kajukenbo
By Nubreed - 01-04-2009 08:59 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


The Judo/Jujitsu Phase training of Kajukenbo

Throws of Kajukenbo/Judo/Jujitsu

Ukemi break falls

Ukemi rolling break fall kata

Forward roll, backward roll, side way roll, drop over the belt, peg leg, judo roll, aikido roll, handstand breakfall, sliding from some ones back, diving over people, diving out of wrist locks.

Hip throw-Koshi-Guruma (hip whirl)

Kajukenbo's Grappling Arts

Kajukenbo keeps things fairly simple. Self Defense techniques for instance, work on targeting vital areas but the main philosophy in Kajukenbo is to learn to hit hard, so no matter where you hit, it hurts/stuns the enemy to create an enty or set up to throw and knock them out.

Kajukenbo contains all the joint manipulations or we rather we like to call them breaks, that exist in jiu-jitsu. However, I think most are not taught due to the application of striking reasons. The core techniques of grappling and joint locking, can and do vary from school to school, but most usually contain techniques that break the arm, knee, neck, wrist, ankle, and adding basic throws and sweeps. Kajukenbo student's learn to hit first with quick strikes that focus on stunning, and limb destruction. The follow up maybe a control or Ground and pound situation on the street.

The primary differences within kajukenbo are not the techniques, because although Kajukenbo techniques have their own "flavor" they are really just a combination of techniques from a mix of different martial disciplines of Kenpo, Jiujitsu, Filipino and the flowing motion of Kung Fu. The primary difference is how the combat principles are integrated, and used by the practitioner. When it comes to joint manipulations, arts such as Aikido, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, etc. They emphasize the principle of unbalancing the opponent before attempting a lock/throw/break. Kajukenbo, however, is more along the lines of arts such as: karate, and the emphasis is on the principle of stunning the opponent before attempting a lock/throw/break. For instance, an arm is destroyed, first by striking/cutting to stun and leading to total destruction of the limb.

But we all know that the stun or unbalance both work, so for practical reasons, either or both are considered good... what is not generally considered good is to neither stun or unbalance first before attempting a lock/throw/break. Being a mixed martial art, kajukenbo is designed to be added on to, and made to fit the practitioner. The core foundation contains combat principles from a mix of martial arts, and with this foundation one can build in what ever direction a person needs or suits that person's body, and or mental, physical make up.

Many Kajukenbo schools end up becoming a sort of "hub" for martial arts, encouraging cross-training and bringing in instructors from other martial disciplines to supplement training. You will find that if the instructor, is into grapppling then you will find lot of that material in his Ka"ju"kenbo. If he is a kickboxer, again you will see that application in his personal expression. Kajuken "bo" The same for the "Ken" as in Kenpo material.

I could not tell you how many joint-manipulations and or grappling Kajukenbo has because just within our school we have been cross-training in many grappling systems, and on top of that a wide variety of other disciplines including the soft art of Aikido and Kung Fu's Chin Na, the applications of Filipino arts. What we call Kajukenbo is extended to include, American boxing, Aikido, Grappling and Muay Thai in addition to Karate, Judo/Ju-jitsu, Kenpo, Chinese Boxing-Kung Fu, and Eskrima and some JKD has found it's way into the mix.

Don't forget the variables:
There is the art
There is the curriculum
There is the teacher
There is the number of good students to train with
There is the environment you train in
There is you health
The reason you train
There is your size, strength, speed, coordination, guts, etc...

Thigh throw- (Osoto- gari)

Reverse thigh throw-Tan-Otoshi

One hand shoulder throw-Ippon-seoi-nage (one arm back carry throw)

Two hand shoulder throw-Moroto seoi-nage (two arm back carry throw)

Back trip-Ochi gari

Left hip throw

Inside ankle sweep

Outside ankle sweep

Calf throw

Cartwheel/stomach throw- Tomoe-nage (round throw)

Two arm clip/double leg takedown-Morote-gari

Kata guruma (shoulder whirl) or fireman throw

Soto makikomi- outside wrap around throw

Kani-Hasami- crab pinch/scissors sweep throw

Note: Basic counters for beginners: a. palm counter b. leg curl counter c. Hop counter

Advanced counters would be taught as well

Joint locking

Kote waza-wrist locks-

Ude hishigi-armlocks

Atama Hishigi-Head locks

Katame waza-ground hold downs

Kesa gatame- scaf hold

Kuzure kesa gatame-broken scarf hold

Ushiro kesa gatame- rear scarf hold

Yoko shiho gatame-side four quarters hold

Tate shiho gatame- vertical four qurters hold

Kamshiho gatame-upper four quarter hold


Sigung Ben Fajardo


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