KT:Techniques in Written Form

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Techniques in Written Form
By Kenpo RONIN - 07-27-2011 03:45 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


A friend of mine who studied American Kenpo several years back wanted to get back into the art and thought he'd start reacquainting himself with his techniques...his manuals have been gone for a long time now......
He asked me if I knew anywhere online where the techniques are in a .pdf format, or simply, in print. He made it to Green Belt in American Kenpo. Any help is appreciated.


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Don't know if this is what you are looking for, but Rich Hale has the Kenpo Journal. It is the entire 24 technique curriculum with all of the sets, forms, etc. Has other things like terminology, the basics, Q & A with Mr. Parker, and other things as well. It is all printable. I love it. It has been a useful tool. Go to http://pacifickenpo.com. You can find it there. Mr. Hale also has some essays that he has written on the site called "The White Papers". Very good reading and very well written. I never studied under Mr. Hale, but know of him through my instructor. He really knows his stuff. Hope this helps.
