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Slam Set -- Techniques -- Slam Set
By BJTipton - 10-07-2013 09:22 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
So, my favorite thing to do right now...
I have learned the Slam Set by Joseph Simonet. I also have Mr. Tracy's callout program he wrote in the 90's. I love to kind of free flow the Slam Set while setting the callout program to random using all the techniques through 1st black. As a technique is called (usually about every 25 seconds) I try to fit it into the scope of the wooden dummy set or just do the technique on the dummy then flow back into the form. If I can't get it in there physically I try to use a principle of the technique.
I will also set my stand alone heavy bag on the right, left, or in the rear of the dummy. Every now and then I will flow to it when a technique is called (or whenever) and do the technique on it. This drill can also be done bladed or with a stick.
I can, and have, spent hours doing this.
The Slam Set is fun. You can memorize the motions in a day or two and spend a lifetime learning it. Same with techniques!
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By BJTipton - 10-07-2013 09:22 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
So, my favorite thing to do right now...
I have learned the Slam Set by Joseph Simonet. I also have Mr. Tracy's callout program he wrote in the 90's. I love to kind of free flow the Slam Set while setting the callout program to random using all the techniques through 1st black. As a technique is called (usually about every 25 seconds) I try to fit it into the scope of the wooden dummy set or just do the technique on the dummy then flow back into the form. If I can't get it in there physically I try to use a principle of the technique.
I will also set my stand alone heavy bag on the right, left, or in the rear of the dummy. Every now and then I will flow to it when a technique is called (or whenever) and do the technique on it. This drill can also be done bladed or with a stick.
I can, and have, spent hours doing this.
The Slam Set is fun. You can memorize the motions in a day or two and spend a lifetime learning it. Same with techniques!
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