KT:SD Techniques = Ideas in Motion

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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SD Techniques = Ideas in Motion
By DRANKIN - 12-05-2010 07:12 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


I've been listening to everyones interpretation of SD defense techniques as well as how many there are or should be taught for a few weeks now and have come some conclusion as to where Mr. Parker was going and why he would sometimes be showing techniques in different ways to those in his confidence.

Is it fair to say that they are simply ideas of motion for an individual to consider and ask, "is this useful"? (Mr Parker has a quote along these lines but I can't seem to find it). That in practice, they weren't necessarily meant to be executed verbatum so much as they were to be ideas for your vocabulary if one has found them useful when able to pronounce them.

Logic tells me that the more SD techniques you are able to consider, the more ideas you may be able to add to your vocabulary of motion.


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