KT:Prof.Chow's 12 original linear techniques

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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Prof.Chow's 12 original linear techniques
By KirkS - 05-30-2009 12:05 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


I've read about Prof. Chow's original 12 techniques, but so far i haven't been able to find anything on them
Does any one know what they were? Or can atleast point me to where they are on the board

Thanks before hand


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
When I trained in Kara-Ho, we learned a series of techniques named "Professor Chow's." They were linear (though even linear techniques have circular elements, just very small circles) and emphasized low strong stances, Weather or not these are the originals you speak of I don't know. However there are some Kara-Ho instructors on this site as well as GM Kuoha. They would be far more qualified to tell you if they are his original set or not.
Yes, Xing-Lu is referring to these techniques and no you will not "find them" anywhere, unless of course you take the time to LEARN THEM.

They are taught at advanced yellow (yellow/purple) and purple. There are far more advanced Kara-Ho techniques than these (6-10's and 11-15's) but these remain a cornerstone of the system.
