KT:Looking for a specific self-defense technique

Clark Kent

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Looking for a specific self-defense technique
By Mike De Lucia - 09-30-2011 08:27 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Hello Kenpotalk folks,

My dojo is an off-shoot of traditional Tracy/Parker-style Kenpo, and I find it fascinating to look at the similarities and differences between what we currently practice and what's practiced in the more "pure" Kenpo styles. One of the things I'm doing is looking at our self-defense techniques and comparing them to the Kenpo SD curriculum. It's hard, because Kenpo SD techniques have all those cool names, but since I'm not familiar with the nomenclature (eg. feathers as signifying hair), it's sometimes hard to pin down particular techniques to look at. Right now, I'm looking at the first five techniques in our curriculum (we have a lot fewer overall than traditional Kenpo - usually only about 3 per belt), and I've managed to track down all but one. So here's my question:

In Parker Kenpo, is there a self-defense for a "straight-on wrist grab"? This would be an attack where the attacker grabs your right wrist with their left hand, as if they were going to try to pull you off after them in a "You're coming with me" fashion (or maybe they're just trying to disable your "power" hand so they can punch you in the face or body with less resistance).

I've found a couple of double wrist-grabs (attacker is grabbing your right wrist with both of their hands), but I cannot seem to find this particular attack.


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
Looking for a specific self-defense technique
By Mike De Lucia - 09-30-2011 08:27 AM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


Hello Kenpotalk folks,

My dojo is an off-shoot of traditional Tracy/Parker-style Kenpo, and I find it fascinating to look at the similarities and differences between what we currently practice and what's practiced in the more "pure" Kenpo styles. One of the things I'm doing is looking at our self-defense techniques and comparing them to the Kenpo SD curriculum. It's hard, because Kenpo SD techniques have all those cool names, but since I'm not familiar with the nomenclature (eg. feathers as signifying hair), it's sometimes hard to pin down particular techniques to look at. Right now, I'm looking at the first five techniques in our curriculum (we have a lot fewer overall than traditional Kenpo - usually only about 3 per belt), and I've managed to track down all but one. So here's my question:

In Parker Kenpo, is there a self-defense for a "straight-on wrist grab"? This would be an attack where the attacker grabs your right wrist with their left hand, as if they were going to try to pull you off after them in a "You're coming with me" fashion (or maybe they're just trying to disable your "power" hand so they can punch you in the face or body with less resistance).

I've found a couple of double wrist-grabs (attacker is grabbing your right wrist with both of their hands), but I cannot seem to find this particular attack.


KenpoTalk.com Post Bot - Kenpo Feed

Perhaps it is the Tracy's Kenpo technique "The Rocker"???
Milt G.

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