KT:Kosho Principles

Clark Kent

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Kosho Principles
By kroh - Tue, 08 Aug 2006 10:58:50 GMT


I was wondering about the application of Kosho principles as they relate to real fighting. I have been studying for less than a year and have yet to see anything that I would consider so dynamic that it would define the combative elements of Kosho. Everything that would make Kosho effective it would seem can also be found in the average boxing gym. The subtle manipulations, misdirections, and off-balances, are neat and fun to practice, but against some one with any experience, you are not going to have the time to execute alot of those manuvers. Am I just not seeing the whole picture or is this a case of "the martial art you are studying was designed for a different time and conditions?"

Just curious in starting a conversation about this as I plan to dig deeper into classes but would like other kosho practitioner's view on this.

Thank you,


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Kosho is the study of natural law and all things behind this.
I have see first hand of what kosho can do in real life and all the movments and shifting and what not come into play. you are 2 and 3 steps ahead of your attacker. go to a Seminar with Hanshi Juchnik, or Master John Evans, Pat Kelly, there are many others who teach this form of Martial arts. I have been learning Kempo for many years. and after meeting master Evans and Hanshi and learning what Kosho is it has inproved my skills in many ways. I went to a seminar ( Nonkosho) mypurple belts who have been with me for about 1 1/2 years. ALL made 1st 2nd and 6th degrees tap out... who have been in the Martial arts for 6 - 15 years long.. for me at this time I feel Kosho is a strong Martial art that follows Natural law understandings...and a lot more...my 2 cents