KT:Good Seminar Today

Clark Kent

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Good Seminar Today
By Shodan - Sun, 30 Jul 2006 02:36:25 GMT


Went to a fun 2 hour seminar today- we worked boxing combos with footwork and then combined and grafted some techniques together. We worked Attacking Mace from a left then right punching scenario and took that into Crossing Talon from the arm bar on. We then worked a "what if" scenario off of that- if the opponent starts to rise up from the arm bar, we did a figure 4 lock on the arm and took them down to the ground, pinning the person down on their side and finishing with a wrist lock submission hold. We also started out with Mace of Aggression and went into (from the arm bar on) of Crossing Talon and then to a standing wrist lock submission (same one as on the ground only now while standing). Finally, we worked Deflecting Hammer for the opponent doing two jabs- left then right and then trying to kick you.

A good time was had by all.......and then we went and had pizza together!! :D


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