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Good Finger Set video
By nelson - 01-27-2013 10:09 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
I'm putting together a "Mini" Finger set that someone could use while sitting behind the wheel of a car or security van or cruiser. This same "set" could be done by someone in a wheelchair I would imagine. I'm hoping that someone on this forum has a good EP Finger Set vid that they would like to recommend. I am planning on adding some simple palm heel strikes along with an elbow or two for good measure. I have an old sequence that I wrote up back way back in the 1970's that combined both Finger and Elbow sets into one. Was this combo ever done by Mr. Parker or others later on in EPAK? I'm not sure where it came from as I forgot to write down the history behind the movements.
Any assistance would be appreciated!
I'm currently working for a couple of different security companies so I have a lot of "idle" time. I also use a hard rubber ball to work on my grip and hand strength while sitting in the cruiser. Are there any LEO types on this forum that do similar things?
------------------------------------ Post Bot - Kenpo Feed
By nelson - 01-27-2013 10:09 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
I'm putting together a "Mini" Finger set that someone could use while sitting behind the wheel of a car or security van or cruiser. This same "set" could be done by someone in a wheelchair I would imagine. I'm hoping that someone on this forum has a good EP Finger Set vid that they would like to recommend. I am planning on adding some simple palm heel strikes along with an elbow or two for good measure. I have an old sequence that I wrote up back way back in the 1970's that combined both Finger and Elbow sets into one. Was this combo ever done by Mr. Parker or others later on in EPAK? I'm not sure where it came from as I forgot to write down the history behind the movements.
Any assistance would be appreciated!
I'm currently working for a couple of different security companies so I have a lot of "idle" time. I also use a hard rubber ball to work on my grip and hand strength while sitting in the cruiser. Are there any LEO types on this forum that do similar things?
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