KT:Fighting Application in Forms and Sets???

Clark Kent

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Fighting Application in Forms and Sets???
By Kenpolearner - 10-24-2008 03:28 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk


I have been reading a thread on Kenponet that is discussing whether or not there is "fighting application" with the "exercise" forms (short 1 - Long 2).

The point of contention seems to be that the designer(s) of these forms only intended them to be for sharpening the tools/basics and did not intend them to be used for said fighting application.

So, I have 2 questions:

1) Do you believe that the intent to these "exercise" forms was only to work on sharpening your basics? (If you happen to be one of the seniors who was there when the forms were created, your input is greatly appreciated)

2) Do you find that the forms, sets, and even the salutation have fighting application in them? If so, some examples would be fun to see...

I'll start it off.

1) I can't say for sure whether the creator(s) of the forms had any one specific intent in mind with these forms.

2) What I do know is as I work them, I am finding more and more fighting application in places other than the techniques. In fact, my teacher (Mr. Marshall) and other instructors throughout my journey pointed this out early in my training.

An example that I especially like is in the first few moves of the salutation and go kind of like this...

Right uppercut punch the attacker in the chin, heel palm strike to their right ear with your left hand as you chamber your right hand by your right ear. Grab the back of the attackers head with your left hand as you punch them in the face with your right hand while you execute a right thrusting sweep kick to one of their knees.

Anyone else?

Brad Billings


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