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Ed Parker and Huk Planas clip
By Carol Kaur - 05-06-2009 08:28 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
A YouTube poster by the name of KenpoBrazil posted up this clip of Ed Parker and Huk Planas. The description says they are doing blue and green belt material.
If you go to the YouTube page, the description is in Portuguese. It translates to:
"GM Ed Parker and Huk Planas (back when he had hair!) are performing techniques from Blue/Green Belt"
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By Carol Kaur - 05-06-2009 08:28 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
A YouTube poster by the name of KenpoBrazil posted up this clip of Ed Parker and Huk Planas. The description says they are doing blue and green belt material.
If you go to the YouTube page, the description is in Portuguese. It translates to:
"GM Ed Parker and Huk Planas (back when he had hair!) are performing techniques from Blue/Green Belt"
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