Krav Newbie...just a question or 2


Blue Belt
So I just went for a free class on thursday. It was a great workout and really kicked my butt physically. So I am thinking about signing up. It fits my schedule very well too. I am curious how I tell if the teacher is legitamate(he seems VERY intense and he teaches a kids TKD class right before). I actually learned some changes in my punching technique(originally a boxer) to make them a little bit harder. I was do I tell if he is legit? I mean its not a light decision doing ANY art because EVERY school in America wants you to pay unGodly sums of money to train it feels like, but maybe that me being the cheap college student that I have to be to survive? Also are there any other things I need to look out for in the class? I mean the only thing I can tell is that it is full contact in a Karate America gym in Gainesville Florida. This teacher is replacing another Krav guy who moved apperently. I know I seemed very rambling, but I really like the art and I just want to make sure Im not jerked around.
Am I safe to assume this teacher is affiliated with the KMWW group, in California? If so, you may want to call them and just confirm that the person in question is up to par on what he's teaching.

Now, much like any art, you will have people who train under someone, and they'll defend that teacher until the end, going so far as to put down other teachers. I've seen it in Kenpo, where a student of Tatum will bash someone else, saying they dont have the real Kenpo, etc., etc. However, this is often the issue you run into especially when it involves a quick instructors course, which, after a few hours or weeks, the person is suddenly qualified to teach. IMO, courses like that are best as a refresher, for someone who already is a teacher in the art, to make sure everyones on the same page, etc. But to say that someone is qualified to teach after a short amount of time....well, IMO, that'd be like having a white belt lead a class after only a month of lessons.

I've met Darren at a KM seminar a very long time ago. Like you, the warmups kicked my butt, but Darren and the black belts that he had there with him, were very personable, easy to talk to, etc.

In closing I'll say your homework. You are the one who's going to spend the money to train, so make sure you're getting what you want. If this teacher starts adding in TKD to the KM class, I'd run, not walk away? Why? Because I'm not paying for TKD, I'm paying for KM. I want to know the KM method for punching, kicking, defending, etc., not the TKD way. If I wanted TKD, I'd go to a TKD school.

Good luck. :)

If you find things out, post here, and maybe we can help you out.
Just a little add on to that...the teacher is Master Valiño and the place is accredited by ATA? I have no idea how to search a masters name/rep. Is there a place to do that at?
Hi Stonewall,

First, there are only 4 Masters in the world for krav maga: Eyal Yanilov, Gabi Noah, Avi Moyal, and Eli Ben-Ami.

Second, this guy does not teach krav maga. He teaches his version of krav maga.

If you are looking for krav maga and if you live around the Port Saint Lucie area, I know a couple of instructors that are certified with the International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF). Let me know if you are interested.
Hi Stonewall,

First, there are only 4 Masters in the world for krav maga: Eyal Yanilov, Gabi Noah, Avi Moyal, and Eli Ben-Ami.

What about Haim Gidon from the IKMA and Haim Zut from KMF. Maybe I'm missing your interpretation of Master. Out of curiosity, what groups are the other 3 affiliated with? I'm familiar with Eyal.
They are the 4 Masters for the IKMF. Eyal is the Head of the IKMF and the other 3 are Co-Founders. Haim Zut and Haim Gidon I guess are the Masters for their respective organizations.

Sorry, didnt make myself clear.
I'd personally be wary,I've heard that schools run by the ATA have lots of complaints. Check out others in the area, you might get better training from someone who only focuses on krav not tae kwon do given how radically different they are as arts.
I'm not sure how close you are to Miami, but if you're within a 30minute drive I'd highly reccomend checking out Rick Blitstein's school. He's one of the original 3 Americans trained in Krav Maga by Imi himself and still trains with the IKMA (the original orginization founded by Imi, and the only one even recognized by Israel).