Koho tenkai?


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys, I was wondering something: how does one start practising koho tenkai? I was wondering if someone here had any useful info. More info is always good before trying breakneck moves :D I've called the local gymnastics club rep but she was out (I was told to call back in another hour).

Zenpo tenkai was easy enough to get started with because the worst that can happen is that you land on your ***. And even that is unlikely. But with koho tenkai I have the mental image of landing head first so I am less enthusiastic about the idea of just throwing myself into the movement and then seeing how it goes.
start by learning your rotation point. put a matress on the floor and practice jumping up and turning over. if this is too much right now just work on jumping as high as you can until you feel that you can comfortably jumphigh enough to flip backwards. also build your legs by squating and then exploding up. squat very slow and focus on the muscles then spring up. this will help you to be able to jump higher, then you can propel yourself. if you have a buddy or something that is at a comfortable height get up against it if your buddy have him bend over you be on his side with your back to him and lean back on to them and then roll over this will help with your rotation.
Thanks. Your advice sound good.

Part of me thinks this should be easier to learn than zenpo tenkai.
After all, legs are much stronger to jump with than arms, so you should be able to get much more lift. And once your hands touch the ground, the scary part is over, whereas with zenpo tenkai, that is where the difficulties begin.

Of course that is just mere logic, and does nothing to alleviate the mental images in my mind :D
your concern for safety is natural but in my opinion zenpo is way harder. seelf preservation takes of and i can get over backwards easier for fear of breaking my neck. but this was how i worked up to it hope it helps.