Knife Films


Master Black Belt
I was trying to think of films where a knife (not a sword, that's too easy!) plays a prominent part, i.e. it's integral to the story or helps define one of the main characters.

See what you can add to this list:

* Crocodile Dundee (Mick Dundee's Aussie Bowie)
* The Hunted (Benecio and Tommy both use knives)
* Rambo I-III (John Rambo's survival knife)
* Young Guns I-II (Chavez' various knives)
* Big Trouble In Little China (Jack's boot knife)
* Kill Bill Vol I (The Bride's fighting knife)


Some minor ones
Scarface (ok, not as defining as the chain saw the leg, ah?)
Dirty Harry (the original)
Under Siege
Saving Private Ryan - The slow motion stabbing scene - which facillitated many knife grappling scenarios in my training. I've watched it twice and everytime it gives me shivers...
Man, that Under Siege knife fight was the stupidest thing ever caught on film.
1. Cobra-with Stallone...the knife the bad guy used was specifically created for the movie.

2. The Crow...Brandon Lee killed the guy with his own knives.

3. The Magnificent Seven...the guy has a switchblade that he draws and throws faster than the other guy can draw his gun.
The two movies with Antonio was "Once Upon a Time in Mexico"...the other, "Desparado".

In these, you throw a small little knife and it drops people instantly.

Worth watching for Salma Hayek, though.


Jet Li in Kiss of the Dragon when he was fighting the masked French policemen. said:
Steve; refer to the quote from Zorro..."the pointy end goes in the other guy..."


The Coriscan Brothers...Cheech talking about his sword, "I once stuck it in the dirt and broke the tip off"

The girl he was talking too though he was talking about his "tallywacker"

funny stuff.