Knife and gun defence video

I have not heard of this style at all. Is it widely practiced? I see a great many similarities to other styles. And but I also see a few little tweaks which I like :)
well an interesting video. some of the knife defenses are common in some karate and other styles, and even in old European manuals.

the gun defense, basically the same as the old Fairbairn disarms... how ever if the attacker has a clue how to use a pistol, not one of the ones I saw used will work at all. After all why are you using a pistol at knife range??
Hmm agreed that it is an interesting video but if I may be so bold as to offer some criticism, the knife defences are nothing that I would turn to in a real situation. There seems to be a lot of fine motor actions which are fine if training a pre set kata but not in the chaos of a "street" attack. Also the attacks seem to be very "trained" which detracts a little from the realism for me. I'm not going to comment at all on the gun defences as I have not trained any and therefore have nothing constructive to offer.

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