Knife Anatomy


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
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If you've ever wondered what part of the knife is what or just don't know why you call it a "butt" and others call it a "hilt" check out this site:,_parts,_names.htm

This site includes illustrations, labels and verbiage.

Feel free to add a link you like too.
Here's another one I found for terminology. Not good for illustrations, but I thought the explanations were clear enough for most lay persons to understand.
Ah, useful, thanks! I should know more about this than I do.
That's what I said too. I thought some terms were rather interchangeable - it appears so, but I think there might still be a bit more to it. I'll do some more digging.
Hmm what I learned about bladed weapons could be summed up here:

Don Diego de la Vega (old Zorro) : Do you know how to use that thing?

Alejandro Murrieta (new Zorro) : Of course! The pointed end goes into the other man!

Simple enough isn't it?


Seriously, that's a good site because it's good to know your blade as intimately as the site shows. You'd do the same for your gun(s) right?
Hmm what I learned about bladed weapons could be summed up here:

Don Diego de la Vega (old Zorro) : Do you know how to use that thing?

Alejandro Murrieta (new Zorro) : Of course! The pointed end goes into the other man!

Simple enough isn't it?

An excellent example of the difference between a knife user and a knife smith
Hmm what I learned about bladed weapons could be summed up here:

Don Diego de la Vega (old Zorro) : Do you know how to use that thing?

Alejandro Murrieta (new Zorro) : Of course! The pointed end goes into the other man!

Simple enough isn't it?

I think it was Pizarro who said on his deathbed "I have no gold to reward your faithful service, but I have advice to last a lifetime. Your thumb on the blade and strike upwards."
This would probably make a good sticky for this section, as I am not sure many people know these terms. :)


- Carol Kaur
- MT Sr. Mod