Squats can be very beneficial if used correctly and in moderation. Always use a spotter and never let your knees go beyond your toes. Make sure to keep this alignment the entire time. Think of it as sitting back into a chair. To correct your form, put a bench behind you and act as if you are going to sit down. Use lighter weight and perfect the form. You will see a differenct. If you have access to one, use the Smith machine to get your technique down correctly. Some places may even have a "safety bar" which forces the correct form. Personally, I go back and forth between squats and leg press. Yes, I can do more on the leg press, but I have had numerous knee surgeries and need to keep my strength high. As for deadlifts, make sure you get looked at by a professional before attempting these on your own. If you don't do them correctly, you could mess up your back. I've seen it happen. Enlist the service of a qualified individual. It will help. Plyometrics are good, but even better if you don't have knee problems. These are explosive moves which will help with your jumping and quickness. Again, use a professional. Always remember that this are great when done in moderation. Seek help where help is needed. Good luck with everything.