Knee bending problem


Purple Belt
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Hi folks, I could use some advice with something that has been bothering me for quite some time. I mean 6 months, which i guess is not that long when you are as old as me.

My left knee won't bend all the way anymore, just enough that I cannot squat all the way down when doing deep knee bends. In fact it's affecting my flexibility, when doing the butterfly I can't bring my left food all the way in. As demonstrated in a previous post about side and hook kicks.

It does not bother me to walk, run or do most other kicks, but the more try to bend it ,the more it hurts.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
I'd go to a doctor and get this looked at as the first thing. can you remember doing anything to it 6 months or so ago? Pain and a restricted range of motion are not something to mess with. An x-ray or MRI might show up something.

Based on a good diagnosis you'll have a better idea of how to proceed.

I'd go to a doctor and get this looked at as the first thing. can you remember doing anything to it 6 months or so ago? Pain and a restricted range of motion are not something to mess with. An x-ray or MRI might show up something.

Based on a good diagnosis you'll have a better idea of how to proceed.

Thanks Erik, I don't remember doing anything in particular.

Everything stays the same but I guess it's time to get checked out, just in case.
I had a similar problem about a year ago. I tried to rest it without much improvement. Finally, I went to the doctor and was prescribed physical therapy. Had an excellent therapist and my knee has been fine ever since.

Good luck!
I agree - go see a doctor. There are too many things it could be to leave it to anonymous people on the 'net to diagnose what "could" be wrong with it. It could be nothing - but if it's not, the longer you wait, the worse the prognosis will be. You can't find out any sooner - so go see a doctor, and then let us know what the doctor says.