Kisha Ryu Iaido

Never heard of it. Can you elaborate a little on the style? Where is it being taught, who's teaching it? Is it an older school or something created recently?
i'm learning it as a part of kosho ryu kempo. they adopted the five cuts from that system as a weapons requirement.

the cuts are called (pardon the butchered spelling)


muso ga ish

migi no tekki

maware gake

shi ho

i'm learning from milt guinette, who learned from bruce juchnik. beyond that, i'm new and unclear on further lineage.
Sounds like a fairly modern style, but that's not necessarily the case. Anyone else heard of this style or those teachers? Google is turning up very little.

Bruce Juchnik turned up on an E-budo search here:

He is the head of the Martial Arts Collective Society, an organization dedicated to creating unity in the martial arts. And is listed as a Master Instructor in half a dozen arts. That seems to add support to the theory that it's a relatively modern style created to add a JSA curriculum to the Collective.