Kicking Ghost


White Belt
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
I have questions on the Kicking Ghost. Tried finding this form online, but haven't been able to find it.

What is the correct sequence to execute this form.
Hmm never heard of that one. What style of Kenpo is that from and who created it? With a name like that it sounds like a post 90's form that would be done at a competition or something.
Kicking the Ghost
Attack: Right step-through front kick; possibly followed by a right punch
Starting position: Right Neutral bow

1. Drag your lead foot back to a Cat stance while executing a right downward elbow strike. The stance change will move you out of range of the kick, while the elbow strike can either target the instep, or simply provide a "shield" in case they are really committed with the kick.

2. Return to your right neutral bow while executing a lead-hand jab (fist or palm...doesn't matter) to the face. If they threw a punch as they landed, your jab will deflect it out of the way. If not, they will probably bring their hands up after you hit them in the face.

3. Grab their right wrist with your right hand and execute a 1-A* (counter-grab check with a cross punch, in this case, a left punch).

4. Slide your left down and execute a pinning check on their right arm while striking them with a right inward elbow to the jaw or throat.

*(B1-A in EPAK)
We're primarily a Parker system but there is a little bit of Tracy's thrown into the mix. This technique was put together by one of my instructors who wanted to show how sparring combos could be "tweaked" to function as (or form the foundation for) self-defense techniques.
Thank you Mr. Kreusel

I really appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing you Friday. Dress code for this class?
Mindbodyspirit said:
Thank you Mr. Kreusel

I really appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing you Friday. Dress code for this class?
comfortable street clothes--jeans, t-shirt, tennis-shoes, or whatever. See you there.
kenpotex said:
Kicking the Ghost
Attack: Right step-through front kick; possibly followed by a right punch
Starting position: Right Neutral bow

1. Drag your lead foot back to a Cat stance while executing a right downward elbow strike. The stance change will move you out of range of the kick, while the elbow strike can either target the instep, or simply provide a "shield" in case they are really committed with the kick.

2. Return to your right neutral bow while executing a lead-hand jab (fist or palm...doesn't matter) to the face. If they threw a punch as they landed, your jab will deflect it out of the way. If not, they will probably bring their hands up after you hit them in the face.

3. Grab their right wrist with your right hand and execute a 1-A* (counter-grab check with a cross punch, in this case, a left punch).

4. Slide your left down and execute a pinning check on their right arm while striking them with a right inward elbow to the jaw or throat.

*(B1-A in EPAK)

Hi folks!
I was reading this and a couple of questions came to mind as i read it...
1. what rank do you teach this technique?
2. I notice that you draw to a right 45 degree cat to 6 o'clock. You are still in the way of the kick.Why?
3.You are trying to execute a vertical downward elbow to your opponent's instep, you are trying to match angles, there isn'yt a lot of margin for error there,why do you perform it that way? (i'm familiar with filipino gunting [weapons destruction] but normally this is taught against a side kick.
4. if you drew to a cat and return to the neutral bow,how do you deflect the opponent's possible followup punch with your arm if you are on the inside of his body [ i understand techniques such as "detour from doom" teach that,but they have moved off the angle of attack]
5.if you are on the inside of the body,how do you grab the wrist from that position?

I look forward to your response.
Hi folks!
I was reading this and a couple of questions came to mind as i read it...
I may not have been very clear, let me see if my answers to your questions will help.
1. what rank do you teach this technique?
It is currently on the orange-belt list
2. I notice that you draw to a right 45 degree cat to 6 o'clock. You are still in the way of the kick.Why?
we don't go to a 45-degree cat, we go straight back to 6. As to why, by creating the extra distance, we're moving out of range, or at least taking a lot of the energy off of the kick if it gets past our block/strike.
3.You are trying to execute a vertical downward elbow to your opponent's instep, you are trying to match angles, there isn'yt a lot of margin for error there,why do you perform it that way? (i'm familiar with filipino gunting [weapons destruction] but normally this is taught against a side kick.
It'll work against either a side-kick or a front-kick, I can see what you're saying about matching angles but we haven't had any students that have really had any problems with making it work.
4. if you drew to a cat and return to the neutral bow,how do you deflect the opponent's possible followup punch with your arm if you are on the inside of his body [ i understand techniques such as "detour from doom" teach that,but they have moved off the angle of attack]
We end up on the outside, not the inside. The punch can act as a "blocking-punch" if he throws an attack. I guess the best comparison I could make would be to liken it to the path that our hand travels in the first move of Destructive Kneel.
5.if you are on the inside of the body,how do you grab the wrist from that position?
See above

hopefully that helped a little.