kickboxing/muay thai


White Belt
Feb 3, 2019
Reaction score
why doesn't anyone use a lot of switch kicks? is it telegraphed?
There is a time and place for them. When set up properly they can be effective. To just switch kick for the sake of it is not a good tactic unless it is being use as a setup for something else.
would it be bertter to just throw a regular lead leg kick to the body? or is a switch kick better for that? (in most cases)
would it be bertter to just throw a regular lead leg kick to the body? or is a switch kick better for that? (in most cases)
It depends on the situation. There isn't a set moment where you should use either; only when it feels right. Don't overcomplicated your approach by using a switch kick, when a normal kick will do the exact same job, but faster.
i think my switch kick is faster than my lead kick.. or am i imagining this? lol. its weird i tried it out.
MT is bad at footwork
It’s best to do a little boxing or you will never have foot work
I use switch kicks to sweep people with the right low kick. Basically, you switch, through a light low kick with the left, do it again after a bit and make sure they check it. The third time they do it, smash into that inner thigh with the right leg with lightning speed.