
A couple questions...

Why are all the throws done with only one arm?

I've done martial arts that combined kicking with the sword. I don't recall seeing that straight up the middle kick. How do you keep from losing a leg or other more important bits?

How do you get the power and control to hit firmly and hold onto your sword when the swords and shields clash and you go over the top?

Are the twirling exercises, the ones where the shasqa (sp?) is moved around the body and flipped from forward to reverse grip, more for training dexterity and mobility, or do they serve a more directly combative purpose?

What is chidaoba?

Is the shorter sword a kindjal? It's hard to tell from the clip.

Are things like mounted archery, the lance and the mace part of the tradition?

In one of the clips the participants kept the same leg forward. In the other (I can't remember which) the lead switched more often, and the chest was more forward (much like the Hungarians do when they fence saber). Is it a personal difference or something else?

Oh, and about a thousand others :)
if you can read russian i'll send you a book about khevsurian fencing and you'll understand everithing. chidaoba is georgian wrestling style. maces aren't main part of tradition but vere used in battles widely. those tvirling exercises include both but mainly are used for training (many my friends have lost ears doing that =)) ) it's called "torgveba" in georgian. according to the old Georgian custom, if the rival is not a real enemy, the fighter must take care of his opponent’s life and only wound him slightly that's why you couldn't see direct hits from arm in those videos vidoes :)because of holding type of sabre in khevsurian fencing some kinds of hits are hard to do (a warrior is holding sword with all four fingers very strong to prevent falling from hand)i'll post many oter answers too, but now I gotta go now :)
Hello, That was "very " interesting to watch! Great stuff for sharing!

It reminds me?... there are times we need to practice ONE arm techniques in case we have only one good arm to use. any more?
Thanks for the answers, Girogia. I don't speak Russian, but I know people who do. Maybe they'd be up for some translating.
here is the book and an aplication(windjvu) that opens it.
the book is 50 years old and quality might not seem too impressive but there are very good illustrations and I'm sure you'll like the war-rings very much :)
Than you! The training is actually more interesting to me than the demonstration.
training is better to watch also as the don't have a right to do some kinds of hits when demonstrating