
Master Black Belt
Mar 17, 2002
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I put Mr. Speakman's Kenpocamp on the calendar.

If anyone has been, wants to go, or did go (after it is over) maybe we can post here and talk about it.

I want to collect data on this as I am trying to go this year, so if you have been, let me know how it went and if you have pictures posted somewhere.

I think this is the right way to announce/discuss this event. :boing2:
I was at the 2002 camp last weekend. Great, as always. Gokor and Benny "The Jet" are incredible. It's humbling to see 8th Degree Black Belts slide the knot to the left when sitting in on a class. If you've never attended this before, you owe it to yourself to try get there. Sigung LaBounty, Bob White, Frank Trejo, Paul Dye... These guys are amazing. Also there was Jacki McVicar. She was a student of Ed Parker's and she is remarkable. A great teacher and wonderful person. Very funny and boy howdy can she move! Little lady who hits like a freight train. Mr. Speakman did say he is confident that he will start filming another movie (Point of Entry (???)) this fall.

Thank you for the post.
I REALLY wanted to go.
I may go next year.

Incidentally, speaking of stuff you don't see everyday, on the American Kenpo Homecoming video (my apologies for some of the broken links, I'll get to them this week I think)

Mr. LaBounty is on the ground doing push-ups with his class. Great shot!

Thanks again for participating in the thread.
Would have loved to attend the camp, but being in Canada, just pried itout my range. Plus I would have had to bring the wife, and her in Vegas is really expensive.
from Sigung's buddy push-ups. Ouch. In addition to the folks I mentioned as teachers, also at the camp were Tom Kelly, Bob Liles, Dennis Conatser, Huk Planas, Ed Parker Jr., Gil Hibben (bought a camp knife this year), Skip Hancock, Doreen Cogliandro, John Sepulveda and others I'm sure I've forgotten.

I even have shoe print on my face from Sigung. Cool.

That is a lot of Extra, unbilled guests! Man I wish I could have gone!
So who went this year in 2003?
Pix? Photos? News? Notes?
Just got back in town. A ton of stuff to talk about fromthe training and a few pix to share. I was too busy training to really take snapshots.
But some great notes from the AKKS and congratulations to Ms. Jaki McVicar and Mr. Jose Ponce on recieving thier 6th degreee Black belts this year!!!

Too much unpaking to do and still have to find the camera and absorb everything from my notes. I"ll share tonight the full details.

Journey well.

Dave Gunzburg