Kenpo Technique


Black Belt
To all,
I was on another forum, and the technique,Gathering Clouds, came up. The situation is this. If Fred is leaving L.A. at 3pm carrying 30lbs., and traveling 100 kph. How soon can he expect. Oh man I am sorry wrong problem!!!! Here it is... I see a written manual on this other forum. That says to execute a right 2 fingered attack to the opponents left eye. As you do the right scoop kick out. Is this correct? I don't recall having learned it this way? I've walked through it a time or two, and fail to see the benefits to executing it this a way. Am I missing a transitional move somewhere? It seems to me that you could insert a LEFT handed attack to the Right eye at this point. Seeing as my left hand is still high in the guard/check position, and my Right arm is still low, due to the Right elbow attack that was just delivered. Any comments are welcome. TANKS!!!

Salute in Christ,
Donald :asian:
It appears you have a dead hand and I believe it is an eye hook with the index and middle fingers placed together for back up mass... check book five. :rofl: :eek:

GATHERING CLOUDS (Front right straight punch)

1. Standing naturally, step forward with your left foot toward 10:30 into a left neutral bow, as you simultaneously execute a left inward parry to the outside of your opponent's right arm, and a right inward vertical middle knuckle rake through your opponent's right ribcage. Immediately reverse the motion of your right hand, and execute a right outward handsword to the right lower ribcage of your opponent. (Your left hand is checking your opponent's right arm, and your opponent should bend forward slightly at the waist.)
2. Step forward with your right foot into a right neutral bow toward 1:30, planting your right foot to the inside of your opponent's right foot, and buckling his right knee with your right knee. (You are ON AND OVER THE LINE OF ENTRY.) As you settle into your right neutral bow, deliver a right inward horizontal elbow strike to the front of your opponent's right lower ribcage. Your left hand is still bracing up against your opponent's right elbow. (This should disturb your opponent's balance as he bends forward even further at the waist.)
3. While pinning your opponent's right arm down and against his own body, immediately follow up with a right front scoop kick to your opponent's groin, (your opponent should bend forward at the waist,)
and a simultaneous counterclockwise right two finger eye hook to your opponent's left eye. (Your opponent's head should snap back.)
5. Continue the action of your scoop kick, and plant your right foot back toward 7:30 into a left neutral bow (facing your opponent).
6. Execute a left front crossover, and cover out twice toward 7:30.
Could this technique be referred to as "the one arm kenpo technique"? Everything is being done with the right arm only and the left arm checking.

Hmmm, this sounds identical to Parting the Waves in the Tracy system. At least now I know what you guys are talking about. :)

Originally posted by Blindside

Hmmm, this sounds identical to Parting the Waves in the Tracy system. At least now I know what you guys are talking about. :)


I was thinking the same thing as I read GD7's description.....except for the two finger eye strike.

Yup, maybe that's Donald's problem, he's got a bit of Tracy blood swirling around and its messing up that EPAK stuff. :shrug:

Just remember, the Tracys were with SGM Parker and at one time helped develop quite a few of the techniques....when they split off, they took a large number of them with them.
Originally posted by Blindside

Yup, maybe that's Donald's problem, he's got a bit of Tracy blood swirling around and its messing up that EPAK stuff. :shrug:


Sirs ya got me!!! I trained in the Tracy system for a number of years. Although I think this has helped me. As no one can EASILY bamboozle me. Mr.7(sounds very James Bondish) I thank you for your responses, but do have a further question regarding the aforementioned technique. As we begin the scoop out do we then switch guards from left to right utilizing a "pizza pan" check,ala "Reversing Mace", to take us into the eye attack? Thanks for your patience, and comments.
Salute in Christ,
Donald :D
No, from the elbow I travel counter clockwise (with my right finger) to the eyes, as I press down with the left hand.

Does that answer your question?
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

No, from the elbow I travel counter clockwise (with my right finger) to the eyes, as I press down with the left hand.

Does that answer your question?

Yes Sir it does... Thank you again.

Salute in Christ,

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