KENPO SEMINAR featuring Dennis Conatser Seminar in Austin, TX

I'll be sending a very special *Boot to the Groin* to you via Mr. C! :EG:
Mr. Billings,
I hope your turnout is fantastic!
Originally posted by Seig
I'll be sending a very special *Boot to the Groin* to you via Mr. C! :EG:
Mr. Billings,
I hope your turnout is fantastic!

Gee, you're all heart!!
Originally posted by Michael Billings
When: Saturday May 31st
Where: Michael Billings Kenpo Karate, 12034 Research Blvd., Ste. 2, Austin, TX 78759

Link below for flyer and phone numbers:
Dennis Conatser Seminar in Austin, Tx

Hope to see you there.

-Michael [/B]

Mr. LaBounty just said on Saturday May 17th during the Brown and Black Belt seminar in particular that Mr. Conatser was one of the most talented guys he'd ever seen.

So get your tickets now. :asian:

P.S. Sorry for being able to directly quote him, but that is very close. :asian:
Give me a call or email if you want the Pre-registration rate for the seminar with Dennis Conatser.

This Saturday, Michael Billings Kenpo Karate, Austin, Texas.

Hi Everyone:

I consulted with Mr. Billings and we came up with this list of topics from the Seminar. The seminar was great.

Topics hit upon:
-reading your opponent,
-tournament vs street applications
-form vs application as in theory vs practice
--We used RkTskB5aPBkHk as part of an exercise and then grafted a technique onto the end of it to pick up someone coming in on a 45.
-Using Self-Defense techniques and pieces of them while sparring and being spontaneous/formulating
-Formulation Phase
-3 Stages of Learning
-Ideal vs What If
–Validity and purpose of the Ideal technique/manual
-Mastermind Principle, Origin of the What If Phase
-Locking Horns
-Destructive Twins
-Circling Windmills
--Again the Purpose of the Technique
-Thinking heavy
-kiai with the eyes, psyching out your opponent, the psychology of tournament, full contact and streetfighting and some anecdotes from Mr. Cs full-contact career
-Tiers of learning. (different levels of learning)
-Changes or evolving of 8 considerations by Mr. Parker between Book 1 and Book 5
-Squeezing the Peach (continued from Intermediate class)
-Web of Knowledge
-Importance of the Basics
-Reactionary Postures and Positions

I got a lot out of it. It was fun. To quote Donkey from Shrek "Let's do that again!"

P.S. Some photos may follow.
I can't upload a picture it seems. They are 150K I think. I may try to downsample them or see if I can get someone else to post them for me.

I may have a few pictures from my camera later if I can figure this out.
I have been extremely busy this week and not gotten the opportunity to post any of this. Great job! My office is still in the midst of moving, and I am half one place and half the other, so my apologies to anyone who was interested in content. I know I did this for Sigung LaBounty's seminar and intended to do it for Prof. Conatser's, but intentions like this, get you where?

Thanks again Doug. I obviously have not had time to edit images either. But will post some when I do. Of course, they were taken with GoldenDragon7's camera anyway.

Oss & thanks to Dennis Conatser. He was inspiring to myself and my students in his knowledge and passion for Kenpo.
Originally posted by Michael Billings
Oss & thanks to Dennis Conatser. He was inspiring to myself and my students in his knowledge and passion for Kenpo.

Amen to that!

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