Kenpo mum


White Belt
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score

Hi everyone:ultracool
I have a beautiful 8 month old baby girl:angel: and I am an enthusiastic Kenpo student. I began studying Kenpo 2 years ago and it changed my life completely. We practiced everyday – my husband and I – and we always found time whether to practice it or to investigate it. When I was pregnant I took a break on the first 3 months of pregnancy and then, very carefully, I returned the Kenpo trainings and I trained until the day before my daughter was born. Literally.
Since she was born I try to go at least once a week to Kenpo classes, but sometimes even this can be a huge adventure. I work in a home office environment and take care of my kid, and this altogether it’s a 24 hour job with no break. I am a purple belt, though I should have already taken the exam to blue belt, ( though this is not what moves me inside Kenpo, I just want to learn and became a better kenpoist). Sometimes I even miss classes because I don’t feel as fit as I used to – not because of pregnancy weight because I returned to my normal weight 1 month after giving birth, but because I don’t train hardly for a long time – and I think that its better for me to go when I feel fit again, and I know this is stupid. My husband is already a green belt and if everything goes normally for him, he will be doing the brown belt exam next year. I must say that I envy him very much as I would like myself to be at his level.
Are there any martial art mums here? I feel a bit lonely in this. I don’t know any new mum so interested in martial arts as I am and everyone tells me that I should wait until my daughter is older. I can’t agree with that at all. She is happy if her mother is happy and her mother needs kenpo!!!:) I am already 33 years old and I don’t want to leave this path undone! But I have little or no time…
Any advises would be great! Anything! How is your learning martial path going? What difficulties have you encounter?
I am Portuguese, by the way, so sorry for any language errors.
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No advises for this kenpo mom??:bangahead:
My entire family is involved in martial arts. My mother was a black belt when she was pregnant with my little sister and my youngest brother and she participated in class (obviously no contact) up until the week she had them. She was back in class within a month of delivery too. Martial arts is a great core exercise that will get you back in shape quickly, on top of the other numerous great qualities of martial arts!

Right now, we have a 3rd dan black belt in our class who is due tomorrow! She is still taking class, and will definitely be back in class asap. My advice is not to stop something that is such an important part of your life.

Just my two cents on the subject ;)