Kenpo in St. Louis

  • Thread starter Thread starter WashU
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I just moved to St. Louis and I'd like to continue learning kenpo. Does anyone know of any Parker lineage kenpo school in this area.

Originally posted by WashU
I just moved to St. Louis and I'd like to continue learning kenpo. Does anyone know of any Parker lineage kenpo school in this area.


Scott Bonner had the same situation as you. There is a virtual plethora of Tracy/Tracy Lineage schools in the St. Louis area, but no Parker schools. He tried me a little while (Tracy's, no charge for lessons), but I'm about a 50 mile run from St. Louis, and not the same as he was really used to, or really wanted. And that's not a hard feeling statement, by any means.

Scott got in touch with his old instructor and worked out a training plan, plus he is working through TKD (not the sport variety) through his brother, and seems relatively content with the way his training is going.

At this point, I would like to say that you might consider contacting your old instructor and seeing if it isn't possible to train via video tape with the occasional journey to the home school to tighten up your technical skills and to test.

I've often wondered why more instructors don't do this to help out long distance students that had to leave... Seems like it would be a most helpful device.

Anyway ... I am relatively Scott will see this post and respond with much more detail. He's down around the Wash U area and should be easy to find. And so as not to feel left out, my wife graduated from the engineering department there about 2 years ago... So That makes me an aluminum, if not an alumni! :lol:
Yes, indeed, contact me. I'm working on setting up a Kenpo club here and definitely want someone to practice with. I've sent you email and private message (both through MT) with more detail and my contact info. But, hey, here's my email again:


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