Senior Master
I just had my first Kenpo class last friday night, it was interesting and certanly my TKD background served me in the aplication of the Kenpo techs. TKD and Kenpo have similarities but diferent aproaches, I mean in TKD we use the block and then the counter (puch or kick) to disable our oponent, we can use sweeps or take downs if need it, in Kenpo as long as I see in this first exposure is the blows are target to specific points and more than a single punch or kick is used to finish the oponent.
For the moment it seems to me Kenpo has more SD techs tan TKD in the average class, the TKD has more power (kicks) and the Kenpo has more speed it can be a good mix put both together.
For the moment it seems to me Kenpo has more SD techs tan TKD in the average class, the TKD has more power (kicks) and the Kenpo has more speed it can be a good mix put both together.