Kenpo Books


Blue Belt
I just bought "Zen of Kenpo" by Mr. Parker on he internet. I was thinking of buying the "Encyclopedia of Kenpo." Has anyone already read these? Is it worth while to buy the Encyclopedia for almost $100?
I have the book and I really enjoy reading it, lots of great information in it
I would say its worth getting and putting in your collection.
I personally recommend the Encyclopedia of Kenpo it is a great reference Material and it will help in the mental aspect of your Kenpo. But I would think that you could find it for cheaper.


parkerkarate said:
I just bought "Zen of Kenpo" by Mr. Parker on he internet. I was thinking of buying the "Encyclopedia of Kenpo." Has anyone already read these? Is it worth while to buy the Encyclopedia for almost $100?

I'd say that anything the Mr. Parker put out would be worth investing in.

I have both and use both. The Zen of Kenpo has many quotes and bits of information that I find motivating. The encyclopedia is part encyclopedia and part dictionary as illustrates and defines the various terms Mr. Parker uses in describing Kenpo. No student of EPAK should be without these books in his/her collection.
Parker, usually sells the encyclopedia for $29.99. While they are sold out right now, they say they have more being printed. They also have a pretty good selection of other Kenpo books.

hongkongfooey said:
Parker, usually sells the encyclopedia for $29.99. While they are sold out right now, they say they have more being printed. They also have a pretty good selection of other Kenpo books.


Thank you very much