Kenneth Gladney's attacker's finally go on trial today...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Kenneth Gladney was the man beaten by S.E.I.U. thugs at a healthcare townhall meeting. Apparently his attackers are finally going on trial today.

Here is the article with the attack video embedded:

From the article:

Gladney, a cancer survivor, was selected by the Carnahan supporters for the beatdown because he was handing out “Don’t Tread On Me” flags and because he was black.
The St. Louis Post Dispatch reported at the time:
Kenneth Gladney, a 38-year-old conservative activist from St. Louis, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with “Don’t tread on me” printed on them. He spoke to the Post-Dispatch from the emergency room of the St. John’s Mercy Medical Center, where he said he was waiting to be treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face that he suffered in the attack. Gladney, who is black, said one of his attackers, also a black man, used a racial slur against him before the attack started.

Kenneth Gladney was beaten by several SEIU thugs in the parking lot. He was working outside the town hall event selling flags and buttons when he was attacked.
If Gladney were Black and Muslim, or Black and Gay this would have been front page news from day one... Since he was attacked by democrat supporting union thugs, and he is a conservative who happens to be black...

Don, I know you can do better...I have given up on billi tho...

Don, I know you can do better...I have given up on billi tho...
Come on now, whenever a republican gets caught in a sex scandal, the line that gets trotted out time and again is: "Well, he campaigned on family values, so, family values should hang him..." So, shouldn't democrats, who run around preaching tolerance be strung up by this?
It would be nice if they could also bring to trial the guys who beat up Bobby Jindal's aide. They broke her leg in two places and gave her boyfriend a fractured jaw and a concussion.


These two were just asking to get their A**es kicked.


Can you feel the liberal love yet?

From an article on the story:

On April 9, Allie Bautsch, a top fundraiser for Gov. Jindal, and her boyfriend were followed and attacked less than two blocks away from the event. Bautsch suffered a horrific broken leg while her boyfriend, Joseph Brown, sustained a concussion and a broken nose and jaw.

The attack came after the Southern Republican Leadership Conference (SRLC) held a $10,000-a-plate fundraiser for Gov. Jindal at Brennan&#8217;s Restaurant. The fundraiser was attended by Republican Governors Haley Barbour (Miss.) and Rick Perry (Tex.).
Outside of Brennan's, protesters chanted of &#8220;Hey-hey, ho-ho; Bobby Jindal has got to go!&#8221;
Signs at the protest included an anarchist symbol&#8212;the capital &#8220;A&#8221; inside a circle&#8212;and other slogans, such as &#8220;Tax the Rich&#8221; and &#8220;Ruling Class Robbers,&#8221; and an obscene criticism of capitalism.
The protesters crowded around the restaurant, and made it difficult for dignitaries in attendance at the fundraiser to leave the premises.

Of course, it couldn't have been politically motivated. Just because there were still protestors hanging out outside the restaraunt when Allie Bausch and her boyfriend left the restaraunt, we have to assume that it wasn't politically motivated at all. Everyone knows how peaceful left leaning protestors are. Just look at Kenneth Gladney.


The protesters crowded around the restaurant, and made it difficult for dignitaries in attendance at the fundraiser to leave the premises.
The state GOP Chairman Roger Villere, Jr. said he tried to leave the restaurant with his group of a half-dozen people, but the building&#8217;s front entrance was blocked by the protesters. Villere, in an interview with the Lincoln Parish News Online, said his party left through the back entrance and was spotted by some of the protesters, who proceeded to chase them. His party was able to hail a cab before the pursuers caught up with them.

Villere thought that the protest began peacefully, but was eventually overtaken by &#8220;professional agitators&#8221; who were present in New Orleans to protest the SRLC.

According to the police report, the protest began to subside around 9:30 p.m. after many of the dignitaries attending the event had left. About an hour later, Bautsch and Brown left the restaurant and made their way toward the Omni-Royal hotel, located around the corner from Brennan&#8217;s.

The couple heard &#8220;cat calls&#8221; and then crossed the street, and continued walking towards the intersection, according to the police report. They heard people behind them screaming obscenities. Brown said they were not sure if the shouts were directed at them until they neared the intersection.

After they turned the corner, Brown said he was shoved into a gate in front of the Louisiana Supreme Court, across the street from the hotel.

Brown was jumped from behind and attacked, while Bautsch tried to break up the fight and fell to the ground, either pushed or falling on her own accord. She screamed out in pain, saying that her leg was broken. The attackers then ran off and two police officers arrived on
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Of course, the union thugs cheated during the trial and brought in a witness who did not witness the beginning of the beating...

From the article:

broken up.24th State wrote more about the surprise SEIU witness.
Yesterday’s trial resulting in a not guilty verdict for Elston McCowan and Perry Molens hinged on the testimony of witnesses. Setting aside all of the peripheral evidence, the case came down to two witnesses for the prosecution stating they saw McCowan and Molens attack Gladney, versus a witness for the defense who made the claim that Kenneth started the “fight” by slapping the hand of Elston McCowan.
It was up to the jury to determine which witness testimony was most reliable. The $10,000 defense strategy was not to claim Elston was assaulted and did nothing. It was to claim Elston and Perry acted in self-defense. Note this is in direct conflict with the statements Elston has made for two years of being attacked and not fighting back.
It was their legal right to change the story for the trial, but bringing in a new witness is a different matter. As we pointed out years ago, there were no other witnesses to the beginning of the assault.