Kelly Worden NSI Seminar- Kansas 2005

Andrew Evans

Purple Belt
Datu Kelly Worden, proclaimed by the late Professor Remy Presas as the First American Datu and Senior Blademaster of Modern Arnis, is one of the most sought after martial arts instructors worldwide.

Recently featured on the History Channel's "Tactical To Practical" (see clip at, he has over 30 years martial arts experience and the producer of over 20 internationally acclaimed instructional videos. His curriculum covers single stick Modern Arnis, close-quarter Kali, double stick Escrima, Kuntao-trapping, combat knife, double knife, staff, Defensive Tactics, Renegade Jeet Kune Do, and more. As the former weapon's editor for Full Contact and Fighting Knives magazines, Datu Worden has been the author of numerous articles on reality based self-defense and weapons training.

He is regarded as one of the world's top 11 knife combative instructors (Tactical Knives magazine, Nov. 2003) and was recently featured in the Black Belt magazine (Sept. 2004). In addition to training numerous law enforcement agencies, he is the edged weapons instructor for the 1st Special Forces Group in Ft. Lewis, Washington.

He has produced over 20 internationally acclaimed instructional videos and has written numerous articles on reality based self-defense and weapons training.

Both Days! $99 with $30 deposit paid by March 1st. $130 at door.
One Day Only! $70 with $30 deposit paid by March 1st. $90 at door.

*Law Enforcement Officers and Active Military Discount available!

Please call me at if you have any questions. You can make checks out to "Martial Arts Council" and mail to:

Andrew Evans
1900 SW High Ave
Topeka KS 66604-3125

So far, we had responses from the Shawnee County Sheriff's office, the Topeka PD, Kansas State patrol, Missouri State patrol and various others. It would be a good opportunity for you guys to network with various law enforcement in the Kansas/Missouri area.
