Keith Olbermann - Commentaries for a lifetime.


In the past couple of weeks, MSNBC commentator Keith Olbermann has put pencil to paper, and words across the airwaves, calling the current administration to account. His commentaries are direct and strong attacks on the Administration of President George W. Bush. He references quotes and actions of administration officials, with which, if you are aware, the commentaries become even more powerful.

The news media is often the referred to as the First Draft of History. Reading (or watching) these commentaries, I believe they will survive through all future drafts of history.

The video broadcast of these commentaries are available on the side of the web page. The transcript, itself, contains as much of the power as Mr. Olbermann's reading.

This last link, to tonights commentary, is not yet a permanent reference. I will add the permalink when it becomes available.
I've been catching his recent commentaries. His dressing-down of Rumsfeld was absolutely masterful, and his speech regarding the hyper-politicizing of the 9-11 attacks by the GOP was very, very good. He's certainly got a way with words.
Mr. Olbermann is demanding and apology from the President for some language used in a Press Conference last week.

President Bush, while not answering a question asked of him on Friday, said this ....

President Bush said:
“If there's any comparison between the compassion and decency of the American people and the terrorist tactics of extremists, it's flawed logic. It's just -- I simply can't accept that. It's unacceptable to think that there's any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective.

Mr. Olbermann is correct in pointing to the language used by the President.

Keith Olbermann said:
Apologize, sir, for even hinting at an America where a few have that privilege to think and the rest of us get yelled at by the President.
Mr. Olbermann is demanding and apology from the President for some language used in a Press Conference last week.

President Bush, while not answering a question asked of him on Friday, said this ....

Mr. Olbermann is correct in pointing to the language used by the President.
I saw that press conference and my jaw fell to my lap when he used those words.

So do you think that this is his intellectual failure, the intellectual failure of his speech writers, or intended statement, Mike?
I saw that press conference and my jaw fell to my lap when he used those words.

So do you think that this is his intellectual failure, the intellectual failure of his speech writers, or intended statement, Mike?

I think it is an intended statement by someone who does not comprehend the language that he is using.

I believe President Bush is a spoiled bully. I bet he used beat up on Neil and Jeb regularly. I think he learned to by nasty at his mothers' knee.

When he used the language 'Bring 'em on', a couple of years back, I think that was the bully in him ... lashing out with a poor language choice because he did not have any other tools in his tool box. Now, three years later, a day or two from the 2700 United States soldiers' fatality in Iraq, he may be comprehending that the earlier language was unhelpful.

In my opinion, the President is stuck in a very immature mindframe; that everyone is just like him. This opinion is reinforced by the protective circle he has created for himself. So, for him - it truly is unimaginable, and therefore unacceptable to think differently than him.

You will recall, that his answer was in no way related to the question posed by the reporter ... so maybe The President is very skilled at building a Straw Man argument, thus allowing him to hyperbolically tear it down. But, I don't think he is that smart. I think he has his bullet points, that he just keeps repeating ... question asked be damned.

When he is fed the proper question, He can nail his bullet point .... Look at the first post in the 'Bird Flu' thread from a year ago. If you can find the transcript from that press conference, it is spectacular. His response was far above the ability he has shown in many, many other situations. It was a planted question - designed to introduce a new product after August.

Anyhow ... the simple answer is ... when the only tool you have is a hammer, ever problem begins to look like a nail. I just don't think this administration has properly stocked their toolbox.
Whilst lacking in the verbal or written skills of Mr. Olbermann and certainly not having the political sophistication of many of the posters here, it is my sincerest belief that Georgy Porgy is a putz and should have been removed from office long ago. The damage he is doing, not only to the US, but to his allies is truly an ugly thing.

Trouble is, in my mind, is I'm not very sure that any of the others who could replace him, or will replace him in the next election, would be much better. Politics, in this country, has become a quagmire of non-originality, non-thinking, and s/he with most money wins. Not a very good prognosis, when considering that at one point in time, the smart candidate, and not the richest or best backed, financially, won.

In my best Chicago rendition (including full brass ensemble) ...

"America's calling Harry Truman ..." :lol:
Whilst lacking in the verbal or written skills of Mr. Olbermann and certainly not having the political sophistication of many of the posters here, it is my sincerest belief that Georgy Porgy is a putz and should have been removed from office long ago. The damage he is doing, not only to the US, but to his allies is truly an ugly thing.

Trouble is, in my mind, is I'm not very sure that any of the others who could replace him, or will replace him in the next election, would be much better. Politics, in this country, has become a quagmire of non-originality, non-thinking, and s/he with most money wins. Not a very good prognosis, when considering that at one point in time, the smart candidate, and not the richest or best backed, financially, won.

In my best Chicago rendition (including full brass ensemble) ...

"America's calling Harry Truman ..." :lol:

when only millionaire white men can run for office- you're bound to be limited in originality, deep thinking and a person who truly says what he thinks. Most of these millionaires were classic sales and marketing men-- guys who knew how to sell themselves, their products or services and politics was just an extension of that smug self-importance that came with being rich and successful.

Even our far more authentic politicians-- folks who truly put themselves into the political arena based on some inner calling to serve the public good are eventually singing the same songs of the salesmen to get elected.

I watched John McCain many times duck and twist his way out of publicly bashing George W. cause he's attempting to position himself in away that attracts moderates and super conservatives alike. His election dance unfortunately limits his dialog to trite or banal speeches.

telling it like it is, is a career killer in politics- so folks are only prepared to tell the truth when they line up book deals or tv commentator jobs to retire too.
I watched John McCain many times duck and twist his way out of publicly bashing George W. cause he's attempting to position himself in away that attracts moderates and super conservatives alike. His election dance unfortunately limits his dialog to trite or banal speeches.

At the same time, though, Senator McCain has been very vocal about his disapproval and dislike of Secretay of Defense Rumsfeld. On several occassions, I might add.

He seems to be somewhat ambivalent of Vice President Cheney (due to them butting heads in regards to the recent torture debate), too.

Time will tell, I suppose.

This is last night's commentary. Mr. Olbermann speaks to the 'Beginning of the End' of America; President Bush's signing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

This clip is powerful on its own. But the full series of commentaries combines a wide arc against the breadth and depth of the Bush Administration.
I watched John McCain many times duck and twist his way out of publicly bashing George W. cause he's attempting to position himself in away that attracts moderates and super conservatives alike. His election dance unfortunately limits his dialog to trite or banal speeches.

telling it like it is, is a career killer in politics- so folks are only prepared to tell the truth when they line up book deals or tv commentator jobs to retire too.

McCain has not been a consideration for me for a very long time. You are correct, in my estimation. I would have thought that a politician, who was POW, would have had a better handle on the reality of the very tool that put him in the position of POW. And he might have cared enough to make a difference at one time, but now, he's only a political hack.

Frankly, I despair for our nation. I believe that, through oversight, indifference, and just plain lack of understanding (education) regarding our political system, "We The People" has let us all down in a big way. It is now, without some sort of miraculous intervention, the beginning of the slippery slide down the slope to the slop. And I believe in those miraculous interventions about like I believe that God guides my hand at Black Jack.

This is last night's commentary. Mr. Olbermann speaks to the 'Beginning of the End' of America; President Bush's signing of the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

This clip is powerful on its own. But the full series of commentaries combines a wide arc against the breadth and depth of the Bush Administration.
I just watched this clip and wow... just wow. If only the administration and/or all the yes-men would listen to this and try to understand.

Mr. Olbermann is back.

We ... will have to live with what — of the fabric of our nation — you have already “sacrificed.”
The only object still admissible in this debate is the quickest and safest exit for our people there.
But you — and soon, Mr. Bush, it will be you and you alone — still insist otherwise.
And our sons and daughters and fathers and mothers will be sacrificed there tonight, sir, so that you can say you did not “lose in Iraq.”

Please watch and listen - or read.
Keith Olbermann was very powerful on the President and the National Intelligence Estimate recently.

This is worth a look.


We have either a president who is too dishonest to restrain himself from invoking World War Three about Iran at least six weeks after he had to have known that the analogy would be fantastic, irresponsible hyperbole — or we have a president too transcendently stupid not to have asked — at what now appears to have been a series of opportunities to do so — whether the fairy tales he either created or was fed, were still even remotely plausible.
A pathological presidential liar, or an idiot-in-chief.

This comment is relevant to the 'I have a Question' thread, I think.

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