keikogi v. Gi?

They are the same. Keikogi is the full correct term and often used in Japan but is commonly called gi in the West. I don't know when the shortened version started, but know it was in use in the USA in 1960. It's the only term I've heard used in America.
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What is the difference, if any, between a keikogi and a Gi?
The Japanese would never call it a ‘gi’ as it doesn’t really mean anything. It’s like saying ‘track-’ when you mean ‘tracksuit’ or ‘running’ when you specifically mean ‘running shoes’. “I’m gonna put on my track and running and hit the road”….it doesn’t make sense.

Keiko means ‘training’ so keikogi sort of means ‘training clothing’ and is not art specific.

So, if you want to appear urbane, use the word ‘keikogi‘ (also say, “May I have a coffee, please” rather than “Can I get a coffee” 😉)
Interesting, although logical that Gi is only the last two letters of keikogi.
Interesting, although logical that Gi is only the last two letters of keikogi.
Yes, like -suit and -shoes are the last few letters of tracksuit and running shoes 😉
Very informative. Thank you.
"Rangers Lead The Way!" Cool! I was in Stragic Air Command "Death from above!" That was long ago, different life from now.
"Rangers Lead The Way!" Cool! I was in Stragic Air Command "Death from above!" That was long ago, different life from now.
Cool motto! This was my career, now I’m retired. Good thing is that it allows me to teach full time now.
Oops! I think that we got off topic. My apologies; carry on….