Both Bill and GM Rhee have long been an inspiration to me and though I've trained with both at times, I can give you better perspective on KJN Ernie since I have been his student for 34 years. He always lives his training, but right now he's preparing to test next spring for 8th dan at the age of 65 (BTW, I'll test then for 7th) and he plans on being in his lifetime best shape. All of our mastery testers began our testing process 12 months out with a strict nutrition plan, weight training, cardio, ect. We are doing online journals to support each other (and so he can "encourage" any of us who are slacking). The man is a machine. He trains 2-3x/wk in MMA and Submission Grappling with both Frank Shamrock and Bob Cook (head MMA coach at AKA who coaches top MMA fighters like Cain Velazquez, John Fitch, Josh Koscheck, ect) and a lot of the AKA guys come over to play and at his age, KJN Ernie is in there rolling with them. He also trains Muay Thai, TKD and Escrima on a regular basis. The man trains every day even if it means doing burpees, push ups and sit ups at the airport waiting for his flight. A couple of years ago, he decided he wanted to get a perspective of what is was like to be a beginner again so he could relate more to the white belts, so he took up Bikram yoga. He decided that he would train it for a year straight, no matter what his schedule, healthy or sick, no excuses. And for a man with as busy of a schedule as he has, that was no small feat. He made well over 400 days straight. Now, his goal is to come into his mastery test in his all time best shape AND to be a better martial artist than ever at 65.