Kamsahamnida, you all!!

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I wanted to stop on in and say hello to everyone and give Kudos to the Webmaster, administrators and moderators for doing such a fine job here!!

I've been a martial artist for numerous years, with my primary arts being Tae Kwon Do, Tang Soo Do and Hapkido. I enjoy all aspects of training and/or instructing. I look forward to conversing with any and all in the near future.

Take care,

Respectfully, TD!
Welcome SnapKracklePop~! Methinks I'll be shortening your name to SKP *G*

Thanks for the Kudos :)

Enjoy the board and Have fun~!!

Greetings Snap and welcome to Martial Talk! It's always good to see another Korean martial artists join the boards.

Have a look around, enjoy your stay and happy posting!
Hello there- welcome! Your name is great!! The same name one of my past instructors gave to one of his black belt thesis techniques!!

:asian: :karate:
Kamsamnida to you too for joining us...Glad you have a sense of humor, we appreciate it around here. TW
:cheers: Thank you all for such a warm welcome. You are all very much appreciated!

"SKP" sound just fine to me. The Kudo is well derserved, I'm sure!

It is always a pleasure to meet another Korean Martial Artist. What styles do you study?

Thanks again.

I'm happy to hear that!:supcool: Your past Instructor sounds interesting, by chance do you remember that specific technique?

Oak Bo,
Thanks again.

Chon maneyo, and a special thank you for the compliment!:ultracool

Take care all,


Well I'm gonna call you Rice Krispies.

Welcome. I've been hanging out in here a few months, and while I know absolutely fanny adams about MA, I love following some of the discussions. (Especially the ones about MA organisation lineage and credentials, CrapMando, McDojo etc.... :rolleyes: )

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