Just found this place.


Yellow Belt
Good day all,

Got recommended to join this forum by a friend.

Anyway, on with the introduction:

My Martial Arts experience started with Judo at six years old, moving onto TKD for a year or so at about 10. Then there was a little pause for a year or so until I started Shaolin, none of them really gelled with me.

Then I found a Yang Taijiquan teacher who brought me along at 14-15 years old. At around this time I studied Wing Chun for two years, before having to make a choice one way or the other (I couldn't afford to do both, money was tight for a full time student.) Getting a good grounding in the basics. I chose Taiji. I stayed with him until I left for the Navy at 21, studying under a Chen style Master near the navy base for about eight months until I got posted out. Moving around a lot ended up with a lot of solo training of what I already knew. And short periods with various Sifu's in related Taiji styles, but none really having that level of skill and ability to teach that I was spoiled with early on. (Not bad mind, just not great.)

I left the Navy at the start of August, having found a new sifu in Yang style a while before leaving, at my last posting, who has been correcting the errors that have crept in over the years (not many thankfully and nothing really major) and have commenced training in the Jian last week.

So anyway,

Hello all,

Welcome aboard, Aidan. Plenty to see and discuss here, as I have no doubt you already know :D.