just finished my first class


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
I feel so good. what a workout. I love it and can't wait for the next class already.
I learned blocks 1 through 8 but I knew them already from my 8 year old.Cresent kicks, I also learned from my daughter already.worked with the hand pads a little, a little self defense. I didn't know I could do so many push ups. It was very invigorating to say the least.The ab crunches were great.... I wish I started a long time ago
I remember my first class still. Star block and then worked delayed sword with one of the higher ranks for the rest of the class. I was so excited afterwards I coudn't wait for more.
Great to hear rachel. I'm sure you will enjoy the long but fun journey ahead of you. Keep us up to date with how it goes.
BTW what style/system did you finally end up training in??
Curious minds want to know...:)

Always be sure to share the joy Rachel! You have a large family here. Many houses with many rooms. Keep us informed.

Dan Farmer
I'm glad you enjoyed this first big step. Enjoy the journey and please keep us informed.
May your journey be filled with wonder and good memories. May your pains be small and short lived, while your learning be wide, large, and never ending.
Another victum......... er I mean new student :rofl:

keep going to them classes and soon you will be as demented as we are..... LOL

congratulations on your first steps........
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Another victum......... er I mean new student :rofl:

keep going to them classes and soon you will be as demented as we are..... LOL

congratulations on your first steps........

Congratulations Rachel :) Don't let this Senior scare you off.. he's had Years and Years and oh years of experience ... the Dementia?? *twitches.. what was the topic? Oh yeah.. gotta watch myself here.. *twitch.. shudders.. That comes from hanging around them...
Ok.. back to my secret project for a few then off to bed..
Seriously Rachel.. enjoy it all.. It's a new world you've entered..*G*
with a *twitch*
Remember pain is a good thing.... Good luck in your kenpo future
Congrats on your first class. As you go in your journey you too will experience what all Kenpo stylists come down with..."The Kenpo Bug". Once you're bitten, you'll have it for life.

Bill Smith

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