just curiosity


Senior Master
1-How many of you compete in wtf competion? how many tournamentes per year?
2.´-How many of you are involved in wtf tournaments (couches,referees,judges,etc)?
2.-How many of you do tkd not doing the above writen?
4.-How many of you teach and focus the teachings on compettion?
5..How many of you are state champion kyorugy?
6.-How many of you are elite champions?

1.-I am not a competitor.
2.-I got involved on 2010 in local tournaments as a chair judge and central referee.

I am not a tournament guy, I only do TKD.

1-How many of you compete in wtf competion? how many tournamentes per year?
2.´-How many of you are involved in wtf tournaments (couches,referees,judges,etc)?
2.-How many of you do tkd not doing the above writen?
4.-How many of you teach and focus the teachings on compettion?
5..How many of you are state champion kyorugy?
6.-How many of you are elite champions?

1.-I am not a competitor.
2.-I got involved on 2010 in local tournaments as a chair judge and central referee.

I am not a tournament guy, I only do TKD.


1 - I do not compete in WTF tournies. I've competed in ITF and open karate tournies over the years, but tourney has never beena great interest of mine.
2 - Don't consider myself invovled. There is one student at our school who has expressed an interest, and we have encouraged her to follow her interests.
3 - That would be me. :)
4 - Our training does not focus on WTF sparring. We do a fair bit of sparring, but not under the WTF ruleset.
1. No, I dont compete. Ive been very competitive in sports since I was young. Played rugby league, squash, and long distance running at a rep level, so when I started martial arts it was to do something physical where I compete against myself, and never had any interest in doing it as a competitive sport.
2.Im not involved in wtf tournaments. Anyone Ive trained with that has wanted to compete has done so in mma or other forms of tournaments allowing for different disciplines (usually in their words to - "see if what Ive learnt actually works outside of this dojang").
4. None of our teachings are geared toward competition. I have no problem with clubs training for comps, but its just not something our club offers.
5. I am about as far from being an elite chmpion as you could get :), and Im certainly no state champion. I have absolutely no doubt at all that if I entered a wtf comp I would get my *** handed to me big time.
Over the past days (and most) a great debate has arised beetwen clasic taekwondo and sport taekwondo, my questions are aimed to know how many of us are actually involved in sport taekwondo and whom not. Myself even I have been around competition as a chair judge (with the silly button box) and as a center referee (moderating the fight) I am not a sport competitor and believe me for me tkd could exist without sport competition, I just want to measure how many of us are sport competition oriented tkdoings and who not.

1a) I occasionally go to tournaments when our club goes. I compete when I do. The sparring portion has always been WTF rules. I don't know whether any have been WTF-sanctioned competitions, though. (That is, I don't know that any of the tournaments counted toward USTF rankings or anything.)
1b) Probably about one tournament per year.
2) I'm not a blackbelt, so the most I do is serve as corner coach when a lower rank from our club would otherwise be alone.
3) 85% of my training and 95% of my interest in TKD is not related to sparring competition.
4) I don't teach. But, as just mentioned, little of our curriculum is specifically sparring-competition related.
5) No state champions around here.
6) I don't even know what an "elite champion" is.
1 - So far, I have competed in 9 WTF tournaments and have medaled 15 times - my 10th tournament will be at the end of May

(As my school is not a tournament school, I have to get permission to compete at any tournament other than our own 'intra-school tournament - and I love the experience!!)

5 - Not a state champion yet...