Just a little Stick sparring video!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Here is a video of some stick sparring!

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Very cool.

The transistion from flurry style stick sparring to clinch to grapppling was interesting to watch.

Gotta love the internet.

You know remember the days before youtube came along? People had to video tape, convert to mpg then find a site to host it. Now with youtube EVERYBODY has a site and can post whatever, lol. There is just so much cool stuff on youtube and google video. Amazing.
This session seemed to be at longer range that I'm used to in Modern Arnis. Little trapping or tapi-tapi. They go straight from long range to wrestling.
This session seemed to be at longer range that I'm used to in Modern Arnis. Little trapping or tapi-tapi. They go straight from long range to wrestling.

A lot of times when you free spar that is how it works out. Longer range tactics eventually lead to a punyo or two and then whamo someone clinches and you are into a ground fighting situation.
You know remember the days before youtube came along? People had to video tape, convert to mpg then find a site to host it. Now with youtube EVERYBODY has a site and can post whatever, lol. There is just so much cool stuff on youtube and google video. Amazing.

You have to love youtube and googlevideo!
Working the longer range was the focus at the last Summer camp. We worked single siniwali from a longer than usual range and also worked on entering from that longer range. Very important but often overlooked. :)

A lot of times when you free spar that is how it works out. Longer range tactics eventually lead to a punyo or two and then whamo someone clinches and you are into a ground fighting situation.

Hello Sir,

You are quite correct about the long range fighting styles that often dominate sparring contests and particularly when both participants are padded, however the cliching and punyo work is far less frequent when the sparring is unpadded. See videoclops referenced below:

Video clips put out by members of the American Modern Arnis Associates, Guro Ocsar Lopez and Guro Peter Vargas, on YouTube:



Great clips! Thanks for posting them! :ultracool

Hello Sir,

You are quite correct about the long range fighting styles that often dominate sparring contests and particularly when both participants are padded, however the cliching and punyo work is far less frequent when the sparring is unpadded. See videoclops referenced below:

Video clips put out by members of the American Modern Arnis Associates, Guro Ocsar Lopez and Guro Peter Vargas, on YouTube:




Nice video's. I enjoyed the free play that they were having. However I would not categorize what they were doing as sparring as there was no commitment to doing damage by either individual. Sure they were moving and striking and parrying, etc. However neither individual was trying to finish the encounter. Both of the above martial artists move very nicely and I enjoyed their clip. So in no way am I knocking their skill as they move very nicely. Nor am I trying to imply that every situation with a stick goes to the ground. If you get a good strike in on the wrist or head/neck/collarbone etc. of your opponent you have a very good chance of disarming, knockout or maintaining distance. However, when two people are actively trying to do damage to one another if a good hit does not occur they quite often end up into a closer range where butts/punyos are used and if that is not effective then clinching and grappling generally will occur. Thanks for the reply though and keep posting.