July 2003 Forum stats now available

Comparing MartialTalk to other forums growth over the past month:

New posts 7/1-8/1
1 Kung Fu Mag 13865
2 MartialTalk 9417
3 martialartsplanet.com 9130
4 Karateforums.com 8133
5 ebudo.com 6804
6 defend.net 4478
7 BudoSeek 1189

New threads 7/1-8/1
1 Karateforums.com 598
2 MartialTalk 595
3 martialartsplanet.com 584
4 Kung Fu Mag 581
5 ebudo.com 558
6 defend.net 366
7 BudoSeek 118

New members 7/1-8/1
1 martialartsplanet.com 350
2 ebudo.com 290
3 defend.net 230
4 MartialTalk 159
5 Karateforums.com 156
6 Kung Fu Mag 99
7 BudoSeek 72
Data transfer logs:
Log size 1.35GB

Report generated on August 01, 2003 at 07:23:18 PM

Time Period July 01, 2003, 12:00:18 AM to August 01, 2003, 12:00:35 AM

Total Data Transferred web: 13.57 gigabytes

Total Data Transfered: 22.13 gigabytes

Total Visiting Users 91,237

Average Users per Day 2851.16
Just how did you run the stats? Wind Sprints, Laps, Quarter mile? What?

For the forum comparisions, I goto each forum and jot down their current information and compare it to the last comparison.

The traffic information is pulled out of the servers logs and then run through a program called FastStats. I've tried several, and its given me the most consistant results.

What I find to be interesting is there are sites out there with a huge number of registered members, yet we are outperforming them, sometimes by a huge margin on threads and posts. :)
Link works OK for me
If it isn't working, go down to the bottom of this page, in green letter (at least for me it is ;) ) you will see "site traffic and stats" click on that and it will take you to the page I linked.
Hey Tim,

Just pulled the comparison stats out of the spreadsheet. I update twice a year..used to do it monthly, but, I got busy/lazy (depends who you ask, lol).

As of 9-1-2006

Total threads Totals

1 SwordForums 61,504
2 martialartsplanet.com 54,061
3 Bullshido 43,391
4 Kung Fu Mag 38,588
5 MartialTalk 35,284
6 Karateforums.com 26,969
7 ebudo.com 23,191
8 defend.net 20,390
9 Dragons List 14,758
10 Rustaz.com 11,590
11 BudoSeek 11,553
12 KenpoTalk 2,536
13 FMAForum.com 936
14 FMATalk 850
15 No Holds Bar & Grill 41

Total Posts Totals
1 Bullshido 1,200,729
2 martialartsplanet.com 950,421
3 swordforums 741,616
4 Kung Fu Mag 646,094
5 MartialTalk 596,515
6 Karateforums.com 339,574
7 ebudo.com 306,878
8 Dragons List 243,630
9 defend.net 225,692
10 Rustaz.com 188,695
11 BudoSeek 159,280
12 KenpoTalk 26,811
13 FMAForum.com 13,798
14 FMATalk 6,135
15 No Holds Bar & Grill 141

Total Members Totals
1 martialartsplanet.com 26,473
2 SwordForums 24,699
3 Bullshido 21,344
4 ebudo.com 18,338
5 Kung Fu Mag 17,078
6 defend.net 14,562
7 Dragons List 13,590
8 MartialTalk 10,056
9 BudoSeek 9,919
10 Karateforums.com 8,350
11 KenpoTalk 643
12 FMAForum.com 552
13 FMATalk 541
14 Rustaz.com 317
15 No Holds Bar & Grill 24
(Based on total signups to 9-1-06)
A number of competing martial art's sites have a five or more year head start over Martial Talk and we're still beating them! Great work, Bob and all. I just noticed that are posts to membership ration is VERY HIGH, so are membership numbers, while smaller, are far more active.
One of the things is a difference in pruning ideas. Some sites never remove dead accounts....we close and eventually delete inactive accounts which makes our member base appear smaller.

Some prune content, weeding out old topics in an attempt to refresh things, weed out dead chat threads, etc. We remove very little content which instead creates a large archive that can be accessed. Right now, it's a gig and a half in size, lol.

I've enjoyed watching MT grow, but prefer to work cooperatively with most other sites since board-wars really aren't fun/productive/etc. I think I'm in semi-regular communications with most of those sites owners/admins...at least a few times a year. Several of those are also exchanging content with each other, which is enriching us all. :)
I've enjoyed watching MT grow, but prefer to work cooperatively with most other sites since board-wars really aren't fun/productive/etc. I think I'm in semi-regular communications with most of those sites owners/admins...at least a few times a year. Several of those are also exchanging content with each other, which is enriching us all. :)

That's great, and I really appreciate it because I'm a member of one other good Martial Arts' Forum and post there occaisionally.