Jow Ga sparring I have a problem


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
I think I'm turning evil like this guy

Jow Ga Laughing while sparring

By the way I wasn't laughing at him. I showed him a take down technique minutes before I took him down and he tried to use that same technique that I showed him against me. He thought he was slick and that's what I was laughing about. I tell ya. young people trying to pull a fast one lol.

Oh by the way.. I do tend to do a lot of laughing during sparring.
If it makes you feel better, I do not let my GF see me fight for a similar reason. According to my former roommate, when I fight I smile, and start to laugh if they do something I consider funny. From an outsiders view, it apparently is incredibly disturbing. To me, I'm just a weird dude who likes to spar. I assume you are the same.
I like to crack jokes and make comments while sparring. I like to keep it lighthearted. Most people get so serious while sparring. Chill out man, we're only here to inflict pain on the other person until they submit.

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