Joke needed.

Any particular kind??
An old biker walks into his favorite bar..His buddy greets him and then points out that that he isn't wearing any pants".."I know", he replies.."Yesterday I went for a ride without my shirt and got a stiff neck, this is MY wifes idea"...
In the Search selection type in Jokes , there's a lot of good ones there...
In the Search selection type in Jokes , there's a lot of good ones there...

The best ones are in the After Dark forum which can only be accessed by Supporting Members.
How bout a few silly puns?

Seven days without a pun makes one weak....
Did you hear about the fire at the circus? The heat was in tents....
Why couldn't the pony talk? He was feeling a little horse....
It was an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers....
What do you call four hundred bunnies hopping backwards? A receeding hare line....


and my all time favourite:

How many flies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?





(its worth it)






Just two but how do you get them in there?!!!!!!!

Aaaahh, jeez - I crack me up sometimes.

Hope your friend likes them!
A hooker walks into a bar with a duck under her arm.."Hey", yells the bartender.."Get that pig outta here".."This ain't no pig it's a duck",says the hooker.."I'm taking to the duck", says the bartender
One of my all-time favorite clean, yet "dirty" joke.

How do you catch a polar bear?

You dig a hole in the ice. You spread peas around the hole. When a polar bear comes to take a pea, you kick him in the ice hole!!
3 guys are sitting around talking about their favorite bars..

"I know a place that the drinks are real cheap and they have free pizza", says one..

"HA", said the 2nd guy.."I know a place where for every 2 drinks you buy you get one on the house, and they have pizza and wings"..

"That's nothing" says", the third..I know a place where the bartender buys you a drink, the DJ buys you a drink, the bouncer buys you a drink then you go into the back room and have sex all night."

"Where is this place ?" the other 2 ask.."I dunno, I heard my girlfriend talking about it"
A police officer has been sitting in a park zone all day and still is eaer to catch himself a speeder, after 5 hrs a red cammaro comes ripping by at speeds over 150 km/k the police takes chase, the commarow pulls over and the cop rushes up to the door happy he gets to finaly issue a big ticket. the police looks at the driver who is a young man and sayys to him " I have been weighting all day for someone like you.."
the young man looks up and says " I got here as fast as i could."

How do you know if there is a Pilit at a party? He'll tell you.

Whats the difference between god and a pilit? god do'snt think he is a pilit.

whats 12 inches long and white? Nothing.

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