John Stewart on Crossfire


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
Did anybody else see John Stewart on Crossfire tear up the neo-con pudit for the whole show? I thought he was trying to bring aup a good point about how CNN has a bit of a responsibility to show facts, not just party line propaganda and sound bytes. Either way he handed them their arses.
Yeah. Tucker seemed to forget that Jon Stewart has no obligation to be fair, balanced, or even intelligent, because HE'S A COMEDIAN. What's Tucker's excuse?
I understand that many more people have viewed this on the web than saw it live. I have little hope that the producers of Crossfire will take to heart his comments.

You have to wonder ... what would happen if, say I and Tgace (or maybe I and MisterMike) sat across a table for 30 minutes a night ... (provided he doesn't shoot me ;) )
Phoenix44 said:
Yeah. Tucker seemed to forget that Jon Stewart has no obligation to be fair, balanced, or even intelligent, because HE'S A COMEDIAN. What's Tucker's excuse?

From what I saw, Stewart was very intelligent and hammered Carlson pretty good. Come to think of it, he's a darned good interviewer on "The Daily Show." He quips and jokes, but manages to let his guests (who are usually pretty high powered) have their say.

Tucker needs a haircut. That hair went out in 1978. And the bow tie has to go. He needs Carson Kressley.


thanks for posting that link....

i agree with what others have said...jon stewart smoked them...

how embarrassing would that be? to get it handed to you by a guy from comedy central
I saw that a week ago. Man, that was funny. This is what Stewart did to Crossfire.

John Stewart gave an interesting review of his own performance on the Daily Show the Monday after the Crossfire show.

I just watched it at

You may have to search for it ... "John Stewart Spins His Crossfire Appearance"
michaeledward said:
I understand that many more people have viewed this on the web than saw it live. I have little hope that the producers of Crossfire will take to heart his comments.

You have to wonder ... what would happen if, say I and Tgace (or maybe I and MisterMike) sat across a table for 30 minutes a night ... (provided he doesn't shoot me ;) )

You know, I'm surprised you haven't called in on Jay's radio show yet.....or have you?

Me, I'd proll'y resort to simple name calling and kick you under the table ;)
MisterMike said:
You know, I'm surprised you haven't called in on Jay's radio show yet.....or have you?
Me, I'd proll'y resort to simple name calling and kick you under the table ;)
There are times when Severin makes a lot of sense. Even if I disagree with him on almost everything. His position on the invasion of Iraq is 98% accurate, although I think his willingness (eagerness) to use nuclear weapons on Fallujah has some moral problems.

But, anyhow .... I have tried to call him on occassion. Fortunately, the line is always busy. (not sure if that is fortunate for him, or for me).

Jay has lost so much credibility in my eyes since he reversed himself on voting for Bush. For two years he gave reasons why he could never vote for Bush; Iraq and Immigration were two of the big reasons. And now he is (as Tucker Carlson put it) 'Bush's Butt Boy' ... a real 'Throne Sniffer'.
A friend forwarded a link to watch Stewart on Crossfire - I thought it was excellent. And he tried to remain on message so much - it was kind of pathetic the way Tucker kept making little snipes at him about not questioning Kerry seriously enough (again, on the *comedy show*), or how he wouldn't want to sit down and have dinner with him. It was weak.

John Stewart is funny, smart, and hot. (Did I say that?)
The truly sad thing about the whole interview was the fact that Stewart, a comedian who is supposed to be a master of theater and entertainment, was the only one on Crossfire that had serious points. Both Begala and Carlson were taken by surprise. I just wish they, and others, would listen to Stewart’s appeal. His statement about the theater of it all is so to the point. They were trying to be funny (and neither one of them are good at it), Stewart was funny while being serious as well. He tried so hard to make a point about honest arguments but no one wanted to really to discuss this. They really did just want him to “be their monkey”.

Also, just a personal aside, I can not stand to watch “debate” shows because most times the host(s) are rude, contentious, and condescending. Interruption is the rule of the day. I think they used Monty Python’s argument sketch for their model, but they just forgot to be funny.

lol - it's true, JPR. I forgot about the M Python "Argument" sketch. They *do* sound like that quite a bit.