For the US Soo Bahk Do Federation, we apply and receive a Jo Kyo package in the mail. It has some articles and some tests. Basically, you do a bunch of reading, finish the tests and then are required to do a certain amount of practical stuff. For example, I have to do 6 introductory lessons, 6 second lessons, a bunch of class warm ups, and a bunch of class assistings. After that, my instructor gives me a test on instructing, signs off and I theoretically get certified.
All Cho Dans and above are expected to be able to assist and help, the Jo Kyo is just the certification. I'm really not sure what all of the implications of it are. Whether it gives you some additional authority or what. I do know that technically, you must be at least a Jo Kyo to instruct an entire class or run a class by yourself, regardless of rank. The newest change, though makes a lot of sense to me. To become a Kyo Sa Nim or Sa Bom Nim, you MUST be a Jo Kyo FIRST, then a Kyo Sa, THEN a Sa Bom Nim, so you have to work your way up. Theoretically learning more at each certification, giving would be instructors a lot more opportunity to learn and get ready for the job. I actually think it is a good program here.