Jinichi Kawakami to NJ


Black Belt
May 24, 2002
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Not placing any details here. Jinichi Kawakami and his student, chief instructor Yashushi Kiyomoto are coming to New Jersey for 3 days in May to demonstrate what has been contested as legitamite Koga.
1 day of academic discussion and 2 of demo and training. The host is a nuetral school, not Ninjutsu so as to be unbiased.

I have been asked to place this on the boards. The event is invite only and a small crowd. If you are interested in this, with an open mind not to attend to disturb anything PM me and I will see to get you the contact and seminar info.
Well there you go Brian. I didn't want to post it in case it was a problem the forum it was posted in.
Dayn and I have been in conversation on this one. Your name was one I suggested to him, but I gather it seems you are already a part of their action.
I am not a part of the action but I do find this interesting.
It would be interesting to see if it is legitimate. I know for a while there was an invitation by someone who did research and wrote a piece on the extinction of the Koga lines to come forward and show proof of lineage and no one did...

I hope this is not like Choson Ninja's "proof" which was him saying "Well, look, it was told to me word of mouth, you just have to believe me".

Cuz I would definitely be interested to see other legitimate ryu come out. It's been unfortunate that the sole source for other material (other than out and out frauds with no visible skill) has been in many cases GOOD martial artists, with excellent skills, who have no back up for their claims, and in many (no, most) cases demonstrate skills that are so far off of what would have been taught in japan at the time... most often resembling a certain Korean art... And unfortunatly being a good, even exceptional, martial artist in, say, Kempo, does not make you a Ninja, any more than being a good Akidoist makes you a Navy Seal.

Fill us in on this after it happens, I'm eager to know.