Jia Yongan - Xingyiquan

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Please forgive the adds in the beginning

Jia Yongan – Xingyi Wuxing Lianhuanquan (Five-Element-Linking-Fist)


Jia Yongan – Xingyi Jinggang BaShi (Jinggang-Eight-Posture) - If you get a still picture just click on it and the video should start

[video]http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0212/v/swf/loader.swf?VideoIDS=XMjE5NDMzODQ4&embedid=MjA1LjIz Mi4yNTMuMTICNTQ4NTg0NjICAg%3D%3D[/video]

Jia Yongan – Xingyi Longxingjian (Dragon-Form-Sword) - If you get a still picture just click on it and the video should start

[video]http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0212/v/swf/loader.swf?VideoIDS=XMjE5NDI2NDQ0&embedid=MjA1LjIz Mi4yNTMuMTICNTQ4NTY2MTECAg%3D%3D[/video]

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