japanese martial arts and social work

Aiki Lee

Master of Arts
Hello all,

I am writing a paper for a clinical social work class and was hoping some of you could provide imput.

I am looking for personal views of how Japanese martial arts have helped you in any of the following ways:

1. Ability to socialize
2. self-esteem
3. confidence
4. awareness of personal feelings or feelings of others
5. body awareness
6. self-control

If anyone chooses to help me with this I will ask for your real name in a PM, or you could give me a false name if you are more comfortable. I will show you where I plan to use your comments in context of my paper before finalizing it, giving you the right to decide at that time whether you would rather not have me use it.

The purpose of this paper is to (1)draw simularities between Japanese martial arts practice and mindfulness based social work theory. (2) Analyze martial arts training as a form of mindful based cognitive and behavior therapy. (3) Determine the effect, if any, JMA training has on a clinician's approach to therapy.

I plan to post my final paper on MT once I have completed it.
If anyone has any questions please ask. Your help will be much appreciated.
I'm working up a PM to you, but it will take me a couple of days as things are pretty hectic around here (as usual!) :)
You will get something from me also. Like the others I need to write it offline. Hope to have it sometime early next week.

Since I use my real name on this forum, I don't mind responding in public:

I train in Isshin-Ryu, a traditional Okinawan style. I've been training for nearly 3 years now, and I am a san-kyu.

1. Ability to socialize

None, really. I have never had a wide social circle, but I have also never had a problem being social. My martial arts training has neither helped nor hindered me in this sense. However, I have made some dear friends at my dojo.

2. self-esteem

My self-esteem was always pretty good. Can't say I can report any real change here either.

3. confidence

My confidence level has increased since I started training in martial arts.

4. awareness of personal feelings or feelings of others

I would say my awareness of the feelings of others has increased, but this I feel is primarily due to my sensei, rather than the training itself.

5. body awareness

I'd have to say my body awareness has increased, and I am more in tune now with what my body is doing, how it is responding or not responding, and potential injuries or strains. I also feel a lot better physically than I have in decades.

6. self-control

I am more relaxed now. I seem to get less angry, and it takes me longer to get there.
Nice, Bill.

For the record, I think pretty much everyone on this thread has used their real name, or at least made it rather easy to find, my reason for putting it in PM is more about the length that it will likely be.....
To all those who said they would help with this project, the due date is coming up. If possible I would like your comments by the end of the week if you still have time to pitch in. Remember, it doesn't need to be super long just a few comments I can quote.

Again, thanks to everyone for their help!
To all those who said they would help with this project, the due date is coming up. If possible I would like your comments by the end of the week if you still have time to pitch in. Remember, it doesn't need to be super long just a few comments I can quote.

Again, thanks to everyone for their help!

Sending you a short PM now Himura.. I'll try stick to a 150 word limit so you have more time to read Chris Parker's PM ;)
It won't be too late by then!

I plan to write a large bulk of it on Friday and Sunday, and I likely won't get to this particular aspect till Sunday.

Thanks to everyone for their help so far! :wavey:
Thanks to everyone who has sent me their thoughts! I now have more than enough to provide some qualitative narrative. I should have it completed within the next two weeks and post my final product!
The project is finished and I posted it as a blog because it is so long. If anyone is interested to read it, I would like to know your thoughts

A few things to those who do read it are that the primary audience is an LCSW, not a martial artist and MA terms are broken down into simple basic concepts.

I would like to that Paul, Chris, his students that contributed, and the others who donated their time to provide qualitative data.

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