This articel over at talks about the New York Times disparaging citizen journalists, and their tactics of video stings. The article then points out all the stings done by the main stream media.
From the article:
The genius of journalism is the cleverer you are in obtaining your story, the more successful you are. The Watergate reporters employed a number of tactics to garner lead after lead. In recent years, Dateline’s “To Catch a Predator” profiled the creeps that lurk on the Internet connecting with underage kids. ABC uses hidden cameras for its show, “What would you do?.” By and large these segments have been a success and have shined a light on pressing issues.
Smearing James O’Keefe and others as “gotcha” artists, the Times yet again sneers at the very tactic it accepts from ABC, NBC, and even NPR, the target of O’Keefe’s latest video.
From the article:
The genius of journalism is the cleverer you are in obtaining your story, the more successful you are. The Watergate reporters employed a number of tactics to garner lead after lead. In recent years, Dateline’s “To Catch a Predator” profiled the creeps that lurk on the Internet connecting with underage kids. ABC uses hidden cameras for its show, “What would you do?.” By and large these segments have been a success and have shined a light on pressing issues.
Smearing James O’Keefe and others as “gotcha” artists, the Times yet again sneers at the very tactic it accepts from ABC, NBC, and even NPR, the target of O’Keefe’s latest video.