My Gung-Fu Brother,
Have you checked my additions to the site? I haven't published it to the search engines because it still has a ways to go. You know Linda Lee and Dan Inosanto have both said that Ted Wong was the Last to be certified by Bruce, that makes 4 and James Lee did'nt issue any certifications in the form of a diploma, but before he died, he did said a personal letter to Gary Dill along with a manual asking him to teach JKD. The hand written letter has been verified by Taky Kimura, Linda Lee and Dan inosanto. And in the '80's Gary Dill sat on the board of the JKD Society alongside Dan Inosanto.
Some of Bruces original students of the L.A. Chinatown school never received full certification either and they teach today because they're knowledge is priceless!!
Bruce also said JKD is just a name, its like a boat to carry you accross the water and then to be discarded. That have to discover "OUR WAY', OUR TRUTH IN MARTIAL ARTS!!
He was deep!!!!
I call my system Kempo Jujitsu. My heart is in the "FIST WAY", but I also love to grapple!!!!!!!