It's Dorky But It's a Good Idea...


to wear your gi when training in public places like the park.

We do 'realistic' training outdoors once a quarter. Usually pick a secluded spot in a park so as to not attract any attention, and we wear street clothes to match what we would likely be wearing if attacked IRL.

I've never had a problem before but a couple of police cars came pulling up and the cops came out with their firearms raised as my group was practicing mass attack scenarios. It took some fast talking to convince them we weren't really fighting since the contact level was a bit high. :)

Luckily some of us had brought sparring gear and other karate gear with us and we could show evidence that we were just training. Going forward I might just ask all my students to wear a black gi to show our obvious intentions as MA students.
If you are doing formal training, dorky or not, I think its a good idea. Parents who might run in shock and horror when two grown adults in street clothes start roughhousing are suddenly interested and think that its cool. Law enforcement, of course, can identify friendly training by uniforms and colored belts and are more likely to look at the substance of what you are doing.

The downside? Potential hecklers.

That or maybe since you schedule these in advance you could just call the local percienct and let them know you are having an outdoor practice. We have been able to do this in the past and it helps the police when somebody calls to say a group is trying to hurt somebody.
Why do I keep seeing an "The Office" skit in there when I picture this.

I can see Steve Carell taking the company out to a park to practice MA and having a free for all break out. Then having the police show up and him trying to explain what was going on. Only to mess up the explanation and everyone gets hauled off to jail.

Funny stuff.
Why do I keep seeing an "The Office" skit in there when I picture this.

I can see Steve Carell taking the company out to a park to practice MA and having a free for all break out. Then having the police show up and him trying to explain what was going on. Only to mess up the explanation and everyone gets hauled off to jail.

Funny stuff.

The bizarre thing is that all the gun defenses I knew were rolling around in my head. As if I would have a chance at 4 officers all locked and loaded from a safe distance away.

"It's only a flesh wound, Officer. Come back and fight!"
We had a dog intervene in SD practice this weekend. He got between two students and growled at the uke. The owner of the dog was quite apologetic--he explained that the dog is very protective, and perceived a threat. I don't think a gi would have helped. :)
We had a dog intervene in SD practice this weekend. He got between two students and growled at the uke. The owner of the dog was quite apologetic--he explained that the dog is very protective, and perceived a threat. I don't think a gi would have helped. :)
See? Now you know to incorporate dog defenses into your curriculum.:D

Being that I practice Kung Fu, when I train outdoors with weapons Especially spear and Saber, I do get some funny looks but most people leave me be. I have gotten the occasional question like " o thats cool what is that, what style do you study etc..... The way I see it , we shoudl be obligated to practice outdoors when the weather calls for it. It is a way to advertise the MA and help promote the teachings of it, or at least gain someones interest in it.
We had a dog intervene in SD practice this weekend. He got between two students and growled at the uke. The owner of the dog was quite apologetic--he explained that the dog is very protective, and perceived a threat. I don't think a gi would have helped. :)

that happened when practicing escrima before, the dog saw us swinging sticks and came between us barking and ready for us to play fetch...

wearing a gi or uniform is ok, but i think places where there are a number of martial arts schools will not be so shocked if they see a group of people in sweats or shorts practicing in the park. if not a gi, maybe a school shirt? anyway, enjoy outdoor practice guys!